Talmark Wilderness

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(Redirected from Forest of True Sight)
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Disambig icon.png This article is about an explorable area. This name is also used for an explorable area during the War in Kryta and a Zaishen vanquish quest.
Talmark Wilderness
Talmark Wilderness.jpg
Campaign Prophecies
Region Kryta
Type Explorable area
Exit(s) Majesty's Rest
Tears of the Fallen
The Black Curtain
Talmark Wilderness map.jpg
Interactive map
Non-interactive maps

Talmark Wilderness is a large area of rolling hills and wilderness in northwestern Kryta. A river runs through its southern parts, and south of that river the people of Dakutu Village cultivate the land.

Getting there[edit]

You can get to this explorable area by heading north from Fisherman's Haven (with up to six in your party) or west from Temple of the Ages (with up to eight).


Resurrection shrines




Other allies[edit]

Charmable animals[edit]

















  • Complete exploration of this area contributes approximately 1.43% to the Tyrian Cartographer title.
  • Vanquisher runs of this area without active quests require defeating around 225 foes. Including quest influences, it has been reported to range from 185 to 244 foes.
    • There are hidden Fog Nightmares throughout the area, encountered either alone or in pairs.
    • The northern path have several Inferno Imps close to each other, instead of taking their full fire power, send a tank to lure them all and ball for attack.
  • This area is replaced by its War in Kryta equivalent and the level design changes after your character has completed either Prophecies or Eye of the North. If War in Kryta is completed and your character holds no Wanted by the Shining Blade bounty, you'll enter the War in Kryta version of the map without the War in Kryta spawns.
    • You can only return to the pre-WiK level design version by teaming up with someone which has not completed Eye of the North or Prophecies. This is relevant for cartography, as there's a sliver of map to the north-east that can only be uncovered when exploring the original map.
Before WiK During and after WiK
Talmark pre-WiK.jpg
Talmark WiKderness.jpg
Bug Bug.It has been reported that due to War in Kryta update content, both explorable area icons conflict with each other when vanquished, the World Map will sometimes display it red and others orange. Re-logging resolves this issue.
Talmark Wilderness orange icon


  • According to a list on Guild Wars Guru, which seems to list various beta locations, this zone was previously called Forest of True Sight.[1]


  1. ^ List of Kryta locations, Guild Wars Guru (archived)

Explorable areas in Kryta
Cursed Lands Kessex Peak Lion's Gate Majesty's Rest Nebo Terrace North Kryta Province Scoundrel's Rise Stingray Strand Talmark Wilderness Tears of the Fallen The Black Curtain Twin Serpent Lakes Watchtower Coast
Towns and outpostsMissionsLandmarks