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Affiliation Ascalon Army
Type Human
Professions Monk Monk
Warrior Warrior
Service Henchman
Level(s) 4...20
Campaigns Prophecies
Eye of the North
Prophecies Box Art Mhenlo.jpg
Mhenlo depicted on the original Guild Wars box art.

Born in: Serenity Temple
Nation: Ascalon
Profession: Monk
Age: 22
Born in Serenity Temple to a priest of Dwayna and priestess of Balthazar, Mhenlo has been steeped in the teachings of healing and smiting magic. A devoted servant of both Dwayna and Balthazar, he has studied hard his entire life, and has been rewarded by both the gods of his provenance. But paying allegiance to two gods has not been without its consequences; having no clear path to follow, Mhenlo has a tendency to over-analyze situations and possible consequences, not sure whether to take the path of aggressive strength or that of defensive grace.

Mhenlo spent much of his life inside Serenity Temple, paying homage to the old gods and studying the Path, which will lead him to enlightenment. He is rather timid as the story begins, not completely trusting of his magical prowess. But with Cynn's help he gains confidence and becomes more comfortable with his considerable power.

The Guild Wars Manuscripts

Mhenlo spent much of his life inside Serenity Temple, paying homage to the old gods and studying the Path, which will lead him to enlightenment. He also spent a long stretch of his youth studying under Master Togo of Shing Jea Monastery, where he was exposed to even more religious and philosophical teachings that made it no easier for the young monk to find a focus in life. But the teachings of Togo and the Ritualist’s wisdom made a deep impact on Mhenlo. When Master Togo sends a request for Mhenlo’s aid, the monk wastes no time gathering his friends and setting out for Cantha.

The Guild Wars Factions Manuscripts

Mhenlo (born either 1049 or 1050 AE) was a traveling companion of Devona, Cynn, Eve, and Aidan, whom he had traveled with ever since the Searing. He is in a relationship with Cynn, who is constantly jealous of Mhenlo's Canthan childhood friends. Though not originally confident in his own abilities, his interaction with Cynn is one of the major reasons he becomes more sure of his path in life, and of his own capabilities.

He was the last Tyrian to study at Shing Jea Monastery before it was shut off from foreigners, having graduated in 1067 AE. He is known throughout Cantha, especially by Kurzicks in the Echovald Forest, due to his travels when he was a student. Many Kurzicks had presumed Mhenlo to be dead until he returned to Cantha in 1072 AE to aid Togo in dealing with the return of Shiro Tagachi.

Alongside Aidan, Cynn, and Devona, he met Eve in a graveyard while being chased by Charr, and the group later joined Prince Rurik in an assault against the Charr, eventually joining the Ascalonian migration to Kryta. The group then traveled across Tyria, participating in the fulfillment of the Flameseeker Prophecies. Soon after, Mhenlo received a letter from Master Togo requesting his return to Cantha for aid against a mysterious new plague that had arisen. All of his friends traveled with him, each with their own reasons, though Devona was the first to volunteer.

In 1075 AE, Mhenlo and the others were recruited by Kormir to join the Order of the Sunspears in order to fight against Varesh Ossa, Abaddon, and their demonic Margonites during Nightfall. During 1078 AE, the group aided in the fight against the Destroyers and their master. Though their actions afterwards are unknown, the group appears a year later for Gwen and Keiran Thackeray's wedding, where Mhenlo is confronted by an annoyed, and still unmarried, Cynn. Later during the events in Cantha of 1079 AE, Mhenlo along with fellow monastery students and headmasters, held off and suppressed a Sensali assault on Shing Jea Monastery, and during a fiery exchange with Cynn proposed to her in order to receive her aid.


Always as Brother Mhenlo.


A wallpaper featuring Mhenlo.



Level Skills
Word of Healing.jpg
Divine Healing.jpg
Dwayna's Kiss.jpg
Healing Breeze.jpg
Orison of Healing.jpg
Restore Life.jpg
Vigorous Spirit.jpg
12 Divine Favor, 12 Healing Prayers
Level Skills
Word of Healing.jpg
Divine Intervention.jpg
Healing Breeze.jpg
Orison of Healing.jpg
Renew Life.jpg
Watchful Healing.jpg
Words of Comfort.jpg
12 Divine Favor, 12 Healing Prayers
Eye of the North
Level Skills
Word of Healing.jpg
Cure Hex.jpg
Divine Intervention.jpg
Dwayna's Kiss.jpg
Orison of Healing.jpg
Resurrection Chant.jpg
Vigorous Spirit.jpg
Balanced Stance.jpg
12 Divine Favor, 12 Healing Prayers


Heal Other.jpg
Orison of Healing.jpg
10 Healing Prayers
Level Skills
Word of Healing.jpg
Heal Other.jpg
Orison of Healing.jpg
15 Divine Favor, 15 Healing Prayers (20 Divine Favor, 20 Healing Prayers in hard mode)
Raid on Shing Jea Monastery
Level Skills
Word of Healing.jpg
Cure Hex.jpg
Divine Intervention.jpg
Divine Spirit.jpg
Dwayna's Kiss.jpg
Orison of Healing.jpg
Vigorous Spirit.jpg
Balanced Stance.jpg
15 Divine Favor, 15 Healing Prayers


The Norn Fighting Tournament
Level Skills
Shield of Judgment.jpg
Balthazar's Spirit.jpg
Blessed Aura.jpg
Blessed Signet.jpg
Healing Breeze.jpg
Protective Spirit.jpg
Symbol of Wrath.jpg
12 Divine Favor, 11-13 Healing Prayers, 7 Protection Prayers, 14 Smiting Prayers
(Uses 55 monk gear)


  • Effective healer.
    • Energy-efficient healing using Word of Healing.
  • Touch skills are dangerous during battles (Restore Life and Renew Life)
  • Cannot remove conditions or hexes.
  • Can waste energy using Orison of Healing.
  • At level 20, he only has 7 skills equipped.
  • Removes hexes.
  • Effective healer.
    • Energy-efficient healing using Word of Healing.
  • Can prevent knock-down using Balanced Stance
  • Cannot remove conditions.
  • No mass-healing skills.
  • Can waste energy using Orison of Healing.


Ashford Abbey
"Greetings, my child. Can I help you today, or are you here to offer your services to those in need?"
All other towns and outposts
"My mother was a priestess of Dwayna, my father a priest of Balthazar. I walk a fine line between the teachings of both. I grew up in the shadow of Serenity Temple, and as anyone who had a similar childhood can attest to, there are advantages and disadvantages to having your spiritual well-being so closely monitored."
Eastern Frontier and Pockmark Flats (during Caravan in Trouble)
"Hello friend. May the light of Dwayna keep you safe on this day of turmoil."
Deldrimor Bowl (during The Deserters)
"There is no time to talk! We must concentrate on the matters at hand."
Lion's Gate
"I'm glad you made it, <character name>. It seems we've arrived just in time. My people from Ascalon have been given refuge here in Kryta and as such, we are all cleared to enter the city of Lion's Arch. We've managed to convince Lionguard Neiro to allow you access as well... it was easy when we explained how you've come to help us fight the threat of the undead in Kryta. When you're ready to enter the city, let Lionguard Neiro know."
North Kryta Province (only before completing The Ascalon Settlement)
"I have some serious misgivings about the gods of the White Mantle. What power do they possess to cause the Krytans to abandon the worship of the gods of their forefathers?"
North Kryta Province (during Mhenlo's Request)
"In my younger days, I trained in the distant land of Cantha at the famous Shing Jea Monastery. I studied under Master Togo himself...and he's almost as famous as the monastery he runs. Though it has been many years since I have seen Master Togo and Cantha, its lands will remain in my heart always. I would not be the Monk I am today if not for the lessons I learned there."
Skyward Reach (during Into the Unknown)
"There is no time to talk! We must concentrate on the matters at hand."
Droknar's Forge (explorable area)
"The gods seem to smile down on you at every turn. You are clearly blessed by the Five."
All explorables
"Keep your eyes open and your weapons at the ready, <character name>. Thugs and pickpockets have plenty of places to hide here, and they will be more than happy to take advantage of you."
Bejunkan Pier (during Chaos in Kryta)
"I was born in the far off lands of Ascalon, far to the north, on the continent of Tyria. It was once a thriving kingdom, but one day the armies of the Charr came and attacked our people. On that horrible day, they invoked a fearsome magic that destroyed our kingdom and left almost all of it in event we call the Searing. While some of our people remained in Ascalon with King Adelbern to defend the kingdom against the Charr, many more joined his son, Prince Rurik. Rurik left our homeland and crossed the treacherous Shiverpeak Mountains, home of the Dwarves, to reach the lands of Kryta. Though Rurik did not survive the journey, his courage and sacrifice enabled our people to find a new home near Lion's Arch. I have received word that a new threat has arisen and threatens all of Kryta, including the Ascalon refugees. Soon I must return home to answer the call and deal with that threat."
Vizunah Square (if your character entered from Foreign Quarter)

Speaking to him for the first time:

"What do you think of Cantha? This land has seen better times, that much is certain. I only hope we are not too late to be of assistance.
Be sure to pay your respects to Master Togo."

Speaking to him after the first time:

"Stay close to Master Togo and I. We cannot protect you if you wander off."
Vizunah Square (if your character entered from Local Quarter)

Speaking to him for the first time:

"Master Togo must think highly of you to request your assistance in this circumstance. Many students would not be up to the task."

Speaking to him after the first time:

"No time to talk. We must follow Master Togo."
Tahnnakai Temple (mission)
"This temple was once a place where those who were Closer to the Stars could gain further knowledge and power. We must return it to its sacred state so that we may consult the fallen heroes who've chosen to stay behind."
Arborstone (mission)
"Such beautiful architecture! It reminds me a bit of Ashford Abbey before the Searing.... Ah, but this is no time for reminiscing, is it? Let's keep moving."
Sunjiang District (mission)
"Pay attention to Master Togo. He knows what he is doing, and his knowledge will help us defeat Shiro."
The Eternal Grove (mission)
"It is time to set aside the old animosities...time to work as a people united. This plague is Shiro's doing, and I fear its rapid spread signals that Shiro is growing stronger. Let us do Dwayna's work and end out sickened comrades' suffering as quickly and mercifully as possible."
Morostav Trail (during Into the Whirlpool)
"It has been a long time since I studied under Master Togo at Shing Jea Monastery, but I have never had reason to doubt him. If he says we must bring the Kurzicks into the fight against Shiro, I believe him...and so should you. These Kurzicks are said to deeply revere their ancestors and the formalities of ceremony, so be on your best behavior."
Raisu Palace (mission)
"Master Togo is a man of great honor and loyalty. It is a privilege to fight beside him."
Imperial Sanctum (mission)
"This madness ends now."
Spoiler alert: The following text contains spoilers relating to the story of Guild Wars Factions.

Divine Path
"Though we lost Master Togo, we can take solace in the fact that his sacrifice was not in vain. Thank you for your valiant service. If you should ever have need of me, send word my way and I will come."
Consulate Docks
"Greetings, <character name>. Ahai, as they say here in Istan. We heroes have come from afar to answer the call for aid the Sunspears sent out to the world. Through Tyria and Cantha have their own problems, we will not turn a blind eye to the evil that threaten to swallow our neighbors here in Elona."
Yes I wish to travel to Tyria. (only for Nightfall characters that have completed Terror in Tyria)
"If you have completed your business here in Elona and are ready to travel to Tyria, I have a ship prepared to carry us there immediately. Are you ready to travel to Tyria?"
Yes Yes. (sent to Lion's Arch (cinematic))
No No.
Yes I wish to travel to Cantha. (only for Nightfall characters that have completed Plague in Cantha)
"If you have completed your business here in Elona and are ready to travel to Cantha, I have a ship prepared to carry us there immediately. Are you ready to travel to Cantha?"
Yes Yes. (sent to Plague in Cantha (cinematic))
No No.
No I'll be on my way.
All other towns and outposts
"My father was a priest of Dwayna. He told me tales of a voice that speaks in the darkness of our dreams. I sense that voice now beneath Elona's surface. My mother was a priestess of Balthaza. She taught me what to do with nightmares. You fight them. And you never give in."
Throne of Secrets
"Your courage is inspirational. May Balthazar bless you for what you have done in these lands, hero."
Far Shiverpeaks towns and outposts
"The lands north of Ascalon are colder than I thought. Frigid with snow and ice. But the warm companionship of new friends makes it comfortable. I could get used to these Norn."
Doomlore Shrine
"I never thought I'd face the Charr again. Some things do not end until every enemy lies cold on the battlefield and the land is washed clean."
Tarnished Coast towns and outposts
"I don't trust the Asura. How can anyone make friends with a race that spends all their time underground?"
Central Transfer Chamber
"I'd rather have open sky above my head and moving air to breathe than be in these stale corridors and dark caverns."
"I have journeyed from Ascalon to Cantha to Elona. I have battled undead, braved a plague, and defeated ancient gods. But my greatest deed will always be winning Cynn's burning love."
Olafstead (during the Wedding)
"Oh, <character name>, it's great to see you! No, you're not interrupting anything. Please, come and let's get caught up. No, really...don't leave me alone with her..."


Idle quotes[edit]

Southern Shiverpeaks
"Idle hands make for an idle mind. We should be moving."
"If my faith were shaken, one look at the Shiverpeaks would bring me right back around."
"Snow really is a remarkable thing."
"The mountain folk have a belief in what they call the Great Dwarf. Imagine that. A single god. How foolish."
Ring of Fire Island Chain
"If ever we needed proof of the gods' fury, this is it."
"There are some things in this life that I just do not understand. This place is one of them."
"This place has been too long under the gaze of Grenth."
"What sort of creature would WANT to live here?"
"Cynn breaks people. I put them back together again. I'm not sure if that's a good start to a relationship, but at least we have something to work with."
"Everything happens for a reason. We are all given purpose the moment we draw our first breath. Tell me... what is yours?"
"I thought Ascalon was the world, but then I found Kryta. I walked through the mountains and found Elona waiting for me. I wonder what lies across the waves?"
"It is so quiet here. If I didn't have the feeling we were being watched, I might like this place."
"We're not in Ascalon any more."
"You seem more than willing to kill for your beliefs. But tell me, are you willing to die for them?"
"A thin line divides the good from the evil in the psyche of a man. Your choices determine the path you take. Choose wisely."
"All life is duality. Light and dark. Day and night. Good and evil. Mhenlo and Cynn!"
""Come to the north," they said. "There are wonders to behold," they said. "It will be fun," they said. When will I ever learn?"
"Dwayna guides me through the darkness into the light. Balthazar strengthens me by setting dark places in my path."
"I have done so much in my life cycle yet I have not reached enlightenment. Perhaps the gods have higher things in store for me."

Battle quotes[edit]

"By the might of Balthazar!"
"Dwayna take your soul."
"Into the rift with you, beast!"
"May your passing from this realm be swift."
"Say your prayers!"
"Balthazar's strength is my sword!"
"Be guarded by Dwayna's wings!"
"Consider it done!"
"I'm sorry, but you chose this path."
"Keep your eyes open!"
"Lead the way!"
"Light guides me, but darkness taught me to fight!"
"Lyssa, free him of these chains!"
"May Grenth protect your soul!"
"On your knees!"
"Over here! We have them on the run!"
"Remember Master Togo, and fight in his name!"
"Take the strength of the stag, Melandru's gift to you!"
"When you reach the Mists, pray for us all."
"You will be cast down!"
"As you travel through the Mists, dwell on your past mistakes."
"At the heart of the storm, there is silence. At the heart of battle, there is peace."'
"Balthazar strike down our foes!"
"Believe me, it is even colder where you are headed."
"Close your eyes. I promise it will be over quickly."
"Dwayna protect us!"
"Facing your own mortality is difficult. Let me help."
"Grenth will take your soul. Melandru, your body."
"I have ventured into the night and returned. You shall not!"
"Light is protection. For you there is only darkness."
"Make your peace with the gods now, before it is too late."
"May Kormir's truth set you free!"
"Perhaps your soul can be saved. Your body... that's another story."
"Too hot. Too cold. When will it ever be just right?"
"Your light grows dim."
In the Norn Fighting Tournament
"Sometimes kindness hurts."
"Balthazar, give me strength!"
"Pray that Dwayna can mend what I'm about to do..."
"You don't have a prayer! I, on the other hand..."


  • Mhenlo is one of the only five characters to appear in all 3 campaigns and the expansion. (The others are Aidan, Cynn, Devona, and Eve.)
  • In Prophecies, Mhenlo says his mother was a priestess of Dwayna and his father was a priest of Balthazar. However, all other mentions of this state his mother was a priestess of Balthazar and his father was a priest of Dwayna.
  • He is labeled as a "Healer Henchman."


Prophecies henchmen
Warrior DevonaLittle ThomStefanZaishen Fighter Ranger AidanReynaZaishen Archer Monk AlesiaLinaMhenloZaishen Healer Necromancer ClaudeEve Mesmer Dunham Elementalist CynnOrionZaishen Mage