Oppressor's Staff

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Oppressor's Staff
Oppressor's Staff.jpg
Type Staff
Storyline Beyond: War in Kryta
Divine Favor
Healing Prayers
Protection Prayers
Smiting Prayers
Blood Magic
Death Magic
Soul Reaping
Domination Magic
Fast Casting
Illusion Magic
Inspiration Magic
Air Magic
Earth Magic
Energy Storage
Fire Magic
Water Magic
Channeling Magic
Restoration Magic
Spawning Power
Damage type(s) Dependent on attribute
PvP reward class Exotic
30 Gold Zaishen Coin
Value Can't be sold
Salvage Not salvageable
Inventory icon Oppressor's Staff.png

The Oppressor's Staff is a staff skin introduced with War in Kryta. This item has a glowing red animation. There are 21 different types of Oppressor's Staves. There is one for each Elementalist, Mesmer, Monk, Necromancer, and Ritualist attribute. They follow the naming convention of "Oppressor's <attribute> Staff".


Energy +10
<Type> damage: 11-22 (Requires 9 <attribute>)
Halves skill recharges of spells (Chance: 20%)
Inscription: None


War in Kryta


Dye affects the entire staff except for the glow. The default color can be closely replicated using brown dye.

Oppressor's Staff dye chart.jpg


  • This item has a unique appearance.
  • While moving, the red core at the top leaves a trail of red residue behind your character. This is similar to the sparks left behind while moving with the Dolyak Prod Staff.
  • This staff is slightly translucent.
  • This staff disappears while underwater.

Oppressor's weapons (gallery)
AxeDaggersFlatbowFocusHammerHornbowLongbowRecurve BowScepterScytheShieldShortbowSpearStaffSword