Rilohn Refuge (outpost)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about an outpost. This name is also used for a mission and a Zaishen mission quest.
Rilohn Refuge
Rilohn Refuge.jpg
Campaign Nightfall
Region Kourna
Type Mission outpost
Party size 8
Exit(s) The Floodplain of Mahnkelon
Rilohn Refuge world map.jpg
On the world map
Rilohn Refuge inside.jpg
A view inside

Rilohn Refuge is on the branch of the Nightfall storyline that goes with Master of Whispers (based on your choice in the Mysterious Message quest). If you have sided with Margrid the Sly instead, this location is optional.

Located high above the banks of the Elon river, the Refuge is used by the nearby villagers and workers as a temporary camp. When the Elon River overflows its banks every spring to give life back to the fertile plains, the residents of the surrounding area retreat here until the floods have subsided and the land is restored once more.

— in-game description

Getting there[edit]

The primary quest To Kill a Demon will lead characters here. This quest is along the Master of Whispers' branch of the storyline.

For those who went with Margrid's branch, Rilohn Refuge can be reached by traveling north from Kodonur Crossroads to the northern edge of the Floodplain of Mahnkelon.


Quests available[edit]




(all level 20)

Other allies[edit]


Gw2logo.png The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has an article on Rilohn River.

Towns and outposts in Kourna
Sunspear Sanctuary Camp Hojanu Dajkah Inlet Kodonur Crossroads Moddok Crevice Nundu Bay Pogahn Passage Rilohn Refuge Venta Cemetery Wehhan Terraces Yohlon Haven
MissionsExplorable areasLandmarks