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/**** Guild Wars Wiki Tools * (c) 2007 by Patrick Westerhoff [poke] */ var head = document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0]; head.appendChild( document.createElement( 'script' ) ); head.lastChild.src = '/index.php?title=User:Poke/GuildWarsWikiTools.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'; head.lastChild.type = 'text/javascript'; // Makes the Watchlist actually usable. Groups each day's updated entries by their respective namespaces. addOnloadHook(function (){ if (location.href.indexOf('Special:Watchlist') == -1) return; //days = document.getElementById('bodyContent').getElementsByTagName('ul'); days = document.evaluate( "//ul[@class='special']", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (d = 0; d < days.snapshotLength; d++) { day = days.snapshotItem(d); newday = document.createElement('ul'); while ((diffs = day.getElementsByTagName('li')).length > 0) { //Try to extract the namespace As = diffs[0].getElementsByTagName('a'); if (As[0].innerHTML == 'diff') pagename = As[2].innerHTML; else pagename = As[1].innerHTML; if (pagename.indexOf(':') == -1) namespace = 'Main'; else namespace = pagename.split(':')[0]; hdrs = newday.getElementsByTagName('h5'); hdr = null; for (j=0; j<hdrs.length; j++) if (hdrs[j].innerHTML==namespace) { hdr = hdrs[j]; break; } if (hdr==null) { hdr = document.createElement('h5'); hdr.innerHTML = namespace; newday.appendChild(hdr); namespacesub = document.createElement('ul'); newday.appendChild(namespacesub); } hdr.nextSibling.appendChild(diffs[0]); } newday.appendChild(document.createElement('hr')); day.parentNode.replaceChild(newday,day); } }); // Lupin's popups, [] document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + '' + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>'); function siteArticlePath(){ return 'wiki'; } function siteBotInterfacePath(){ return ''; } // disabling features that depend on query.php until that is installed popupUseQueryInterface=false; popupDelay=0.5; popupSubpopups=false; popupAdminLinks=true; //<pre><nowiki> // CHECK THAT I'VE REMEMBERED TO SIGN TALK PAGES AND IF SURE DO IT AUTOMATIC: // *** aut. signing / (automatische Unterschrift) *** [[User:Olliminatore/signing.js]] // created 23.04.2006 by User:Olliminatore // updated 23.04.2006 by en:User:Ilmari Karonen // current version 1.56 13.03.2007 // Interwiki // GWW tweaks by [[User:MisterPepe]] String.prototype.trim = function(){return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"")}; if (typeof usersignature == 'undefined') usersignature = ' \~\~\~\~\n'; if (typeof regpages == 'undefined') { // list of all non talk pages var regpages = [ '.*noticeboard.*', ]; } // regarded pages type encoded if (wgCanonicalNamespace.match(/talk$/i)) var regpages = ""; for (p in regpages) if (wgPageName.indexOf(regpages[p]) != -1){regpages=false; break} if (!regpages) addOnloadHook(function(){ if (!(window.editform = document.forms['editform'])) return; // Add a new checkbox to the Wiki editOptions. sigBox = document.createElement("input"); sigBox.setAttribute('type','checkbox'); sigBox.setAttribute('name','wpSigning'); sigBox.setAttribute('id','wpSigning'); sigBox.setAttribute('checked','checked'); sigBox.defaultChecked=true; neuB = document.createElement("label"); neuB.appendChild(sigBox); neuB.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Sign")); neuB.setAttribute('for','wpSigning'); neuB.setAttribute('title','Sign this edit automatic.'); function setSigBox() { // switch enable box if (editform.wpMinoredit.checked) sigBox.setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); else sigBox.removeAttribute('disabled'); }; var txtarea=editform.elements['wpTextbox1']; var txtOld=txtarea.value.trim(); // txtOld_l=txtOld.length var txtOldEnd=txtOld.slice(-24); var sig = /~{3}/g; if (!tNode){ //editform.insertBefore(neuB, editform.elements['wpWatchthis']); // maybe FIXME: raised an NS_DOM_ERR! var tNode = editform.elements['wpMinoredit'].parentNode; // DOM workaround!? 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} else if(!sig.test(txtOld) || cOld < cNew) return; if (event) event=(window.Event)? event.srcElement; if ( == 'wpPreview') return; // not for preview return editform.onsubmit=new Function("editform.onsubmit='';" +"return confirm('No signing was found. Continue anyway?')"); //warn if saving without signature }; addEvent(editform.wpSave,"click", doSign); addEvent(editform.wpPreview,"click", doSign); addEvent(editform.wpMinoredit,"click", setSigBox); }); function getCaretPos(txtObj){ if (txtObj.setSelectionRange) return txtObj.selectionStart; // NS like else if(!document.selection) return 0; // not IE like var c="\001", pos=0; var range=document.selection.createRange(); var txt=range.text, dul=range.duplicate(); dul.moveToElementText(txtObj); range.text=txt+c; pos=(dul.text.indexOf(c)); range.moveStart('character',-1); range.text=""; return pos; }; /* add/removeEvent Original idea by John Resig Tweaked by Scott Andrew LePera, Dean Edwards and Peter-Paul Koch Fixed for IE by Tino Zijdel (crisp) @date 2005-10 */ function addEvent(obj,type,fn){if(obj.addEventListener){obj.addEventListener(type,fn,false)}else if(obj.attachEvent){var eProp=type+fn;obj["e"+eProp]=fn;obj[eProp]=function(){obj["e"+eProp](window.event)};obj.attachEvent("on"+type,obj[eProp])}else{obj['on'+type]=fn}}; function removeEvent(obj,type,fn){if(obj.removeEventListener){obj.removeEventListener(type,fn,false)}else if(obj.detachEvent){var eProp=type+fn;obj.detachEvent("on"+type,obj[eProp]);obj['e'+eProp]=null;obj[eProp]=null}else{obj['on'+type]=null}}; // *** end *** </nowiki></pre> var PNGFIXarVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE") var PNGFIXversion = parseFloat(PNGFIXarVersion[1]) if ((PNGFIXversion >= 5.5) && (document.body.filters)) { for(var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++) { var img = document.images[i] var imgName = img.src.toUpperCase() if (imgName.substring(imgName.length-3, imgName.length) == "PNG") { var imgID = ( ? 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