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My Solo Toons[edit]

My solo LDoA W in the Crystal Desert

To make the game new and interesting, and to get a better feel of the differences between professions, I'm playing a couple of solo variants.

This is mainly inspired by the solo adventures of Peter, Nao, and Serial Experiments.

The 6 Solo Prophecies Toons[edit]

6 core professions on a dedicated account with the 3 games and EoTN, played as if there aren't any other players in the server (no partying, no trading, no traders), and without heroes, henchmen, or /bonus items.

This means that I do allow storage and resource sharing within the account, playing not by order, skill trainers, PvE skills, Special events, cons (that I get myself of course), and Zaishen Quests.

Currently not exploiting skill unlocks / balth flames / tomes.

Current progress:

  • W: LDoA, 185 attribute points, Crystal Desert, Kama area, Kaineng, Shifhalla. Completed Elona Reach.
  • N / Me / E / Mo: LDoAs, on their way to LA.
  • R: In pre.

Next Goals:

  • Ascend the Warrior
  • Get more toons to LA and onward
  • Sear the Ranger

The Solo Ritualist[edit]

The Solo Rit is similar to that, but is played on my main account, so:

  • No storage
  • Uses skill unlocks, account titles, HM, (but not special GH benefits).


  • Is allowed to use traders (which makes not using storage more manageable)
  • A pure ritualist till ascension

Current progress:

  • Level 20 and 200 attribute points
  • In Consulate Docks, Kaineng, Gunners, LA and the Crystal Desert
  • Got SoS through Zaishen quests

Next Goals:

  • Gate glitch the way into Cavalon, get Summon Spirits
  • Ascend and unlock secondaries
  • Complete Prophecies?

The Solo Elonian Mesmer[edit]

The Elonian Solo Mesmer, which is on my main account, has only a single rule - can't party with no one, meaning:

  • Has access to my main storage
  • Can get all non-PvE skills via unlocks and tomes
  • Can use the imp and other summoning stones / cons

New, so the only real goal so far is to escape noob-island.

Make your own challenge[edit]

Things you need to decide in order to make your own solo challenge:

  • Account - dedicated to solo play / has normal toons?
  • Partying - heroes / henchmen / players doing the same challenge?
  • Trading - none / through traders / all? Access to storage?
  • Account benefits - Unlocks / titles / faction / HM / GH / menagerie / storage?
  • Quests allowed - Zaishen / special events?
  • Item allowed - cons / tomes / event items / summoning stones / gotts / bonus items?
  • Skills allowed - PvE?
  • Additional limitations - Playing by order, LDoA, Survivor, no secondary?

Here is a breakdown of my challenges:

Account Partying Trading Account Benefits Quests Allowed Items Allowed Skills Allowed Additional Limits
The 6 Solo Prophecies Toons Dedicated With no one Within account All except skill unlocks All All except bonus All LDoA before Searing
The Solo Rit Main With no one Only traders, No storage All except GH Faction skill trainer All All except bonus All Pure Ritualist until ascension
The Solo Elonian Mesmer Main With no one Access to everything All All All All None