ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Guild Advancemetns
Guild Wars 2 Suggestions |
Guilds maybe the smaller they are get special resources, two types of resource, online and offline, that differs depending on peoples current profession combonation or Aura/Scion slot. Guilds should have custamizable halls/dungeons with both costmetic and PVP bsttle changes. Guilds should have territory types, which determine its NPC faction,Ranking, and its purpose in the Guild Netwrok. The Guild network is like a game, of rock-paper- scisoors, that ias affected by the matches lsot or won, and the type of match, the Guild Network extends to the World network, and then the Universal Network. Network favor of a territory AND Faction type gives that juristion special benefits. Online resource benefitd equal actual accomplishments in-game, offline= resources/special benefits for your guild to use.
- Why this is a good idea
- Why it may not work out
- Come on guys. This is Guild Wars. Guilds should mean something. Thats one of the man things this game is about.
- I don't get what u suggested here -.- and I think that the guild system should probably stay the same as it is ^^