ArenaNet:Skill feedback/Monster/Twisting Jaws

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

Twisting Jaws Twisting Jaws

Boro 10px‎'s issue =

Unstoppable deadly stackable touch skill.
Change it into a: Hex-spell (applies after x..x-1..x-2 seconds), b: Melee attack with reduced life stealing, c: life stealing to shadow damage, add a 5% health sacrifice to it.

Gordon Ecker's Issue -- 05:34, 8 March 2008 (UTC)


Instant, unblockable touch skill with 120 life steal and deep wound.
Change functionality to "Melee attack. If this attack hits, it steals 60 health from target foe and that foe suffers from a Deep Wound and begins Bleeding for 10 seconds.".

MithUser MithranArkanere Star.pngTalk's Issue -- 22:06, 16 June 2008 (UTC)

Team-up spikes. Since it's a Touch with no downsides, it's quite hard to avoid it for the entire party. Making parties of 7..8 weak saurs a bigger threat that parties of 3 strong ones. Not all player can afford to be "Can't Touch This!" paragons.
Possible suggestions
  • Make it an hex or an irremovable skill effect, but not instant, so it cannot be spammed to spike in a single character, and the AI try to apply it to all characters instead of running to the weakest one and use it all at the same time.
  • Turn it into a spell type skill and make it cause exhaustion.
  • Make it work only over creatures under an hex or a condition, so it stops being a first-sight-one-hit-kill-spike skill.
  • Make it work as a 'conditional effect' skill, like Freezing Gust. If the enemy is not under Twisted Fangs, it applies the Twisted Fangs hex, deep wound and bleeding. If it is already under twisted fangs, it deals 120 damage. MithUser MithranArkanere Star.pngTalk 22:06, 16 June 2008 (UTC)

Goril's Suggestion -- 6:41, 24 August 2009(UTC)

As above.Almost unblockable skill,which is deadly in spikes.
For Example
Meele Attack.Steal 10% of target foe's current life.Inflicts Bleeding and Deep Wound for 10 seconds.