Ascalon Settlement

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Spoiler alert: The following text contains spoilers relating to the story of Guild Wars Prophecies and War in Kryta.

Ascalon Settlement
Ascalon Settlement.jpg
Campaign Prophecies
Region Kryta
Type Landmark
Nicholas the Traveler North Kryta Province map.jpg
(Click to enlarge)

The Ascalon Settlement in North Kryta Province is where the refugees from Ascalon settled after crossing the Shiverpeak Mountains with Prince Rurik to escape the Charr invasion.

Quests available[edit]



On the path north just before entering the settlement after completing Mustering a Response:

<Party leader>: "The inhabitants of this settlement have been evacuated while the White Mantle threaten Lion's Arch."


Gw2logo.png The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has an article on Ascalon Settlement.

Landmarks in Kryta
Ascalon Settlement Dakutu Village Demetra Fountain of Truth Giant's Basin Hakewood Lion's Gate lighthouse Loamhurst Nebo Village The Mausoleum Peacekeeper camp Sanctum Cay monastery Shaemoor Shining Blade camp Temple of the Unseen Talmark pillars Temple of Tolerance Ullen River Wizard's Tower Zinn's laboratory
Towns and outpostsMissionsExplorable areas