Category talk:Shing Jea Boardwalk event NPCs

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It's not redundant to Category:Shing Jea Boardwalk NPCs, since that category lists "NPCs at the Shing Jea Boardwalk", which wouldn't include NPCs that appear during Shing Jea Boardwalk events (Canthan New Year, Birthday Celebration, Dragon Festival) but not "in" the Shing Jea Boardwalk area, such as Sheng Yi and Zaishen Supply Master. --Silver Edge 04:09, 15 February 2010 (UTC)

But they only appear when the boardwalk event is active, right? So whether they are in the actual boardwalk or just associated with it, same cat IMO. --JonTheMon 04:11, 15 February 2010 (UTC)