Dragon Festival/Finale

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The Dragon Festival finale signifies when the Emperor visits Shing Jea Monastery to celebrate the blessings of the Celestial dragon. Following Dragon Festival 2006, each finale reenacts the events of the 2006 Dragon Festival.

Celestial Charges[edit]

Celestial Charge spawn points

After Emperor Kisu asks for the blessings of the Celestial dragon, Celestial Charge begin spawning around Shing Jea Monastery. Characters must collect the "gifts" of the Celestial dragon and return them to one of the Imperial Sorcerers. The team with the highest score at the end of the fifteen minute countdown is victorious.

  • Every Celestial Charge successfully returned to an Imperial Sorcerer increases the "Canthan score" by 1.
  • Each player, carrying a Celestial Charge, caught by a Grasp of Insanity increases the "Enemy score" by 1. Each Celestial Charge on the ground that is destroyed by a Grasp also increases the "Enemy score" by 1.
  • When a player carrying a Celestial Charge is caught by a Grasp of Insanity, the Celestial Charge is destroyed and the player is killed.
  • Grasps of Insanity will destroy Celestial Charges being carried by a player or that lie the ground.
    • They will not destroy Celestial Charges that have recently been dropped on the ground by a player, but this immunity only lasts for a few seconds.
    • Grasps will stop chasing a player if said player drops their charge. This can be used to get away from a Grasp that has gotten very close by waiting to pick up the charge again until the Grasp has left them alone (though they will immediately start chasing said player again once the charge is picked up).
  • If the Canthan side proves victorious, celebrations of fireworks and gifts will ensue. If the Canthan side is defeated, the Grasps of Insanity will move around the monastery killing any player they touch.
  • Every 30 seconds (on the minute and half past the minute), all players killed by Grasps of Insanity will be resurrected at the fountain in the southwest of Shing Jea Monastery. These deaths do not affect the Survivor title track.
  • Since this event takes place in a town, item-based Speed boosts such as a Chocolate Bunny's Sugar Jolt can be used to outspeed Grasps.
Bug Bug.Grasps of Insanity may become trapped on NPCs, preventing further movement.


When Emperor Kisu says "I bequeath a gift to each one of you who has helped protect the empire from the enemy that seeks to destroy us" during his dialogue before the Celestial Charges drop, he awards all characters in Shing Jea Monastery with a Festival Prize, which are placed directly into the character's inventory. A player will receive a Festival Prize for each Celestial Charge they deliver to a Imperial Sorcerer. Winning districts are also rewarded with Festival Prizes. These Festival Prizes are rewarded over a certain period of time following the finale.


2012 and onward[edit]

Spoiler alert: The following text contains spoilers relating to the story of Guild Wars Nightfall.


Imperial Guard Hanso: "Citizens of Cantha, your attention please!"
Imperial Guard Hanso: "We are here today to commemorate the victory of great heroes over the forces of darkness. This festival shall henceforth be a celebration honoring the fall of Abaddon and the rise of Kormir, the Goddess of Truth."
Imperial Guard Hanso: "Please join with me today to honor both our own great heritage of triumph over adversity as well as the triumph of the world's heroes, many of whom are with us here today, over Nightfall."

The Celestial Dragon[edit]

Emperor Kisu: "Cantha has a rich history of overcoming adversity. And I am proud to know of many Canthan heroes who toiled with our Sunspear allies to thwart this most recent peril!"
Emperor Kisu: "I only wish I was here under better circumstances, but the attacks from unknown origin on our lands have cast a dark shadow over our holiday."
Emperor Kisu: "Despite the perils that have befallen us these last days, we can proudly claim we are winning the battles against this nebulous foe.'"'
Emperor Kisu: "Cantha has a rich history of overcoming adversity. Once more we are united against our enemies as a mighty Dragon Empire that cannot be overturned!"
Emperor Kisu: "Two hundred years ago, my ancestor, Emperor Hanjai, gazed upon a fractured Cantha on the verge of collapse."
Emperor Kisu: "He prayed to the ancients for guidance, to seek a way to reunite his people and restore glory to our troubled lands."
Emperor Kisu: "His prayers were answered in the form of a mighty celestial dragon that swooped from the heavens and assured him Cantha would rise once more."
Emperor Kisu: "The inspired Emperor Hanjai poured every ounce of his blood, sweat, and tears into achieving that goal by bringing together our lands, making them safe, and restoring leadership."
Emperor Kisu: "In honor of the celestial dragon that guided him, Hanjai restored the lands of the Dragon Empire. We celebrate this day as a reminder of the empire's guide and protector, as well as our newest protector, she who guided the world from darkness back into light...Kormir, the Goddess of Truth."
Emperor Kisu: "I bequeath a gift to each one of you who has helped protect the empire from all enemies who seek to destroy us. As protectors of the empire, you honor the dragon spirit."
Emperor Kisu: "You have triumphed over demons, over dark gods, and over the affliction that plagued our land. I am awed by your unity and perseverance."
Emperor Kisu: "I ask you to bow your heads in respect as we pray for the blessings of the celestial dragon and of Kormir.
Emperor Kisu: "Celestial dragon, figurehead of our great empire, benevolent constellation that watches over us, guides us, and protects us, we beseech you."
Emperor Kisu: "Cast your blessings once again upon Canthan lands as you did for the great Emperor Hanjai 200 years ago, and may Kormir, the Goddess of Truth, bathe this land in the light of truth for all eternity."
Emperor Kisu: "The dragon and Kormir have heard the call of the people. Give thanks for the blessings they spread among us!"

Celestial Charges[edit]

Emperor Kisu: "And now, on with the reenactment of our previous triumphs over the demonic forces of Darkness. Behold, the treacherous creatures have returned!"
The Fury: ""Servants of shadow, gather the energy that has fallen from the sky! Our dark master awaits our return with these celestial charges. Bwahaha bwahaha haha."
Emperor Kisu: "Do not allow these (over-acting) demons to steal the gifts of the celestial dragon! Stop them!"
Emperor Kisu: "Do not allow these (over-acting) demons to steal the gifts of the celestial dragon! Stop them!" [sic]
Emperor Kisu: "Continue gathering the celestial charges! We must not allow them to fall into ill hands!"
Emperor Kisu: "Creatures of chaos, the Dragon Empire has overcome greater evils than you. We shall ...*Line*... (oh, yes) We shall send you back to the cursed lands from whence you came!"
The Fury: "The blessings of our master await us, minions of shadow. Do not fail!"


Canthan victory
The Fury: "Flee shadow minions! This is a battle we cannot win!"
Emperor Kisu: "We have recovered the lion's share of the celestial charges. Victory is ours!"
Emperor Kisu: "The Dragon Empire has once more proven victorious over those who dare oppose it. Cantha endures!"
Emperor Kisu: "Sorcerers, on this holiday I think it fitting we celebrate victory as our ancestors have." [sic]
Emperor Kisu: "Sorcerers, provide us with a show of lights fitting for such an occasion!"
Emperor Kisu: "Canthans young, old, male, and female, let us dance, drink, and celebrate the victories of the past, reenacted this day on our most memorable of holidays!"
Emperor Kisu: "Alas, I must leave to tend to pressing matters. Enjoy your celebration and honor those who have fallen in the past and those who toil to this day to keep our empire safe from harm."
Emperor Kisu: "Until we meet again in this life or the next, may the dragon and the goddess guide you through your days and bless each of you as they have blessed the empire."


Canthan defeat
Emperor Kisu: "We have lost? Is this part of the reenactment?"
The Fury: "(We're off book now; time to improvise.) Know this, Canthans. What you have faced is only the beginning. Soon darkness shall envelop all that you know. (How was that?)"
The Fury: "Enjoy your world while you can pathetic humans. The end is at hand! (Too much?)"
The Fury: "Members of acting troupe 429...er...Minions of shadow, our master calls for our return with that which we have taken. Let us make haste (before the emperor calls for our heads)!"
Emperor Kisu: "Canthans, do not despair. We may have lost this fake battle but we can still rejoice in our past victories over the demons!"
Emperor Kisu: "This minor setback in our celebration counts for nothing compared to the bravery of our people. The Dragon Empire shall endure!"
Emperor Kisu: "Alas, I must leave to tend to pressing matters (and to exact a fitting punishment on the actors who have ruined this reenactment). Enjoy your celebration."
Emperor Kisu: "Until we meet again in this life or the next, may the dragon and the goddess guide you through your days and bless each of you as they have blessed our empire."


  • Instead of Victory Tokens, Dragon Festival 2006 had characters exchange 250 Jade Wind Orbs.
  • Prior to Dragon Festival 2008, Festival Prizes would spawn around Shing Jea Monastery. For the following ten to fifteen minutes, players collected as many spawned prizes as they could. Dragon Festival 2008 saw the prizes placed directly into a character's inventory.
  • Prior to Dragon Festival 2012:
    • Emperor Kisu did not award everyone a Festival Prize as soon as he arrived.
    • Imperial Sorcerers awarded a Victory Token instead of a Festival Prize to those who gave them a Celestial Charge.
    • Players could acquire a festival hat as part of the finale. Each year, players were presented with a different festival hat. Emperor Kisu would automatically take 250 Victory Tokens from a character's inventory and replaced them with a festival hat. In subsequent finales, if a character already has the festival hat in their inventory, no Victory Tokens will be exchanged.
Dragon Mask.png
Dragon Mask
Demon Mask.png
Demon Mask
Grasping Mask.png
Grasping Mask
Imperial Dragon Mask.png
Imperial Dragon Mask
Sinister Dragon Mask.png
Sinister Dragon Mask
Mirthful Dragon Mask.png
Mirthful Dragon Mask

2006 dialogue[edit]


Imperial Guard Hanso: "Citizens of Cantha, your attention please!"
Imperial Guard Hanso: "I am proud to announce that our honored guest, the emperor of our great Dragon Empire, has arrived!"
Imperial Guard Hanso: "Canthans, Luxons, Kurzicks, and guests from afar, I give you Emperor Kisu!"

The Celestial Dragon[edit]

Emperor Kisu: "Thank you, thank you for joining us on this day of celebration."
Emperor Kisu: "I only wish I was here under better circumstances, but the attacks from unknown origin on our lands have cast a dark shadow over our holiday."
Emperor Kisu: "Despite the perils that have befallen us these last days, we can proudly claim we are winning the battle against this nebulous foe."
Emperor Kisu: "Cantha has a rich history of overcoming adveristy. Once more we are united against our enemies as a mighty Dragon Empire that cannot be overturned!
Emperor Kisu: "Two hundred years ago, my ancestor, Emperor Hanjai, gazed upon a fractured Cantha on the verge of collapse."
Emperor Kisu: "He prayed to the ancients for guidance, to seek a way to reunite his people and restore glory to our troubled lands."
Emperor Kisu: "His prayers were answered in the form of a mighty celestial dragon that swooped from the heavens and assured him Cantha would rise once more."
Emperor Kisu: "The inspired Emperor Hanjai poured every ounce of his blood, sweat, and tears into achieving that goal by bringing together our lands, making them safe, and restoring leadership."
Emperor Kisu: "In honor of the celestial dragon that guided him, Hanjai restored the lands of the Dragon Empire. We celebrate this day as a reminder of the empire's guide and protector."
Emperor Kisu: "I bequeath a gift to each one of you who has helped protect the empire from the enemy that seeks to destroy us. As protectors of the empire, you honor the dragon spirit."
Emperor Kisu: "Those who have gathered 250 Jade Wind Orbs, I give you the Dragon Helm. Wear it proudly in honor of the empire and its legacy."
Emperor Kisu: "I ask you to bow your heads in respect as we pray for the blessings of the celestial dragon."
Emperor Kisu: "Celestial dragon, figurehead of our great empire, benevolent constellation that watches over us, guides us, and protects us, we beseech you."
Emperor Kisu: "Cast your blessings once again upon Canthan lands as you did for the great Emperor Hanjai 200 years ago."
Emperor Kisu: "The dragon has heard the call of the people. Give thanks for the blessing it spreads among us!"

The Celestial Charges[edit]

Emperor Kisu: "What treachery is this? The creatures have returned!"
Emperor Kisu: "Do not allow these demons to steal the gifts of the celestial dragon! Stop them!"
The Fury:"Servants of shadow, gather the energy that has fallen from the sky! Our dark master awaits our return with these celestial charges."
Emperor Kisu: "Creatures of chaos, the Dragon Empire has overcome greater evils than you. We shall send you back to the cursed lands from whence you came!"
The Fury: "The blessings of our master await us, minions of shadow. Do not fail!"


Canthan victory
The Fury: "Flee shadow minions! This is a battle we cannot win!"
Emperor Kisu: "The Dragon Empire has once more proven victorious over those who dare oppose it. Cantha endures!"
Emperor Kisu: "Sorcerers, on this holiday I think it fitting we celebrate victory as our anestors have."
Emperor Kisu: "Canthans young, old, male, and female, let us dance, drink, and celebrate our victory on this most memorable of holidays!
Emperor Kisu: "Alas my friends, I must leave to tend to pressing matters. I feel our success this day may be fleeting: this is not the last we will see of these wretched shadows."
Emperor Kisu: "Until we meet again in this life or the next, may the dragon guide you through your days and bless each of you as it has blessed the empire."


Canthan defeat

2007-2011 dialogue[edit]

Spoiler alert: The following text contains spoilers relating to the story of Guild Wars Nightfall.


Imperial Guard Hanso: "Citizens of Cantha, your attention please!"
Imperial Guard Hanso: "We are here today to commemorate the victory of great heroes over the forces of darkness. This festival shall henceforth be a celebration honoring the fall of Abaddon and the rise of Kormir, the Goddess of Truth."
Imperial Guard Hanso: "Please join with me today to honor both our own great heritage of triumph over adversity as well as the triumph of the world's heroes, many of whom are with us here today, over Nightfall."

The Celestial Dragon[edit]

Emperor Kisu: "Cantha has a rich history of overcoming adversity. And I am proud to know of many Canthan heroes who toiled with our Sunspear allies to thwart this most recent peril!"
Emperor Kisu: "I only wish I was here under better circumstances, but the attacks from unknown origin on our lands have cast a dark shadow over our holiday."
Emperor Kisu: "Despite the perils that have befallen us these last days, we can proudly claim we are winning the battles against this nebulous foe.'"'
Emperor Kisu: "Cantha has a rich history of overcoming adversity. Once more we are united against our enemies as a mighty Dragon Empire that cannot be overturned!"
Emperor Kisu: "Two hundred years ago, my ancestor, Emperor Hanjai, gazed upon a fractured Cantha on the verge of collapse."
Emperor Kisu: "He prayed to the ancients for guidance, to seek a way to reunite his people and restore glory to our troubled lands."
Emperor Kisu: "His prayers were answered in the form of a mighty celestial dragon that swooped from the heavens and assured him Cantha would rise once more."
Emperor Kisu: "The inspired Emperor Hanjai poured every ounce of his blood, sweat, and tears into achieving that goal by bringing together our lands, making them safe, and restoring leadership."
Emperor Kisu: "In honor of the celestial dragon that guided him, Hanjai restored the lands of the Dragon Empire. We celebrate this day as a reminder of the empire's guide and protector, as well as our newest protector, who guided the world from darkness back into light...Kormir, the Goddess of Truth."
Emperor Kisu: "I bequeath a gift to each one of you who has helped protect the empire from all enemies who seek to destroy us. As protectors of the empire, you honor the dragon spirit."
Emperor Kisu: "Those who have gathered 250 Victory Tokens, I give to you a mask, commemorating our victory over the demons. Wear it proudly in honor of the empire and its legacy."
Emperor Kisu: "I ask you to bow your heads in respect as we pray for the blessings of the celestial dragon and of Kormir.
Emperor Kisu: "Celestial dragon, figurehead of our great empire, benevolent constellation that watches over us, guides us, and protects us, we beseech you."
Emperor Kisu: "Cast your blessings once again upon Canthan lands as you did for the great Emperor Hanjai 200 years ago, and may Kormir, the Goddess of Truth, bathe this land in the light of truth for all eternity."
Emperor Kisu: "The dragon and Kormir have heard the call of the people. Give thanks for the blessings they spread among us!"

Celestial Charges[edit]

Emperor Kisu: "And now, on with the reenactment of our previous triumphs over the demonic forces of Darkness. Behold, the treacherous creatures have returned!"
The Fury: ""Servants of shadow, gather the energy that has fallen from the sky! Our dark master awaits our return with these celestial charges. Bwahaha bwahaha haha."
Emperor Kisu: "Do not allow these (over-acting) demons to steal the gifts of the celestial dragon! Stop them!"
Emperor Kisu: "Do not allow these (over-acting) demons to steal the gifts of the celestial dragon! Stop them!" [sic]
Emperor Kisu: "Continue gathering the celestial charges! We must not allow them to fall into ill hands!"
Emperor Kisu: "Creatures of chaos, the Dragon Empire has overcome greater evils than you. We shall ...*Line*... (oh, yes) We shall send you back to the cursed lands from whence you came!"
The Fury: "The blessings of our master await us, minions of shadow. Do not fail!"


Canthan victory
The Fury: "Flee shadow minions! This is a battle we cannot win!"
Emperor Kisu: "We have recovered the lion's share of the celestial charges. Victory is ours!"
Emperor Kisu: "The Dragon Empire has once more proven victorious over those who dare oppose it. Cantha endures!"
Emperor Kisu: "Sorcerers, on this holiday I think it fitting we celebrate victory as our ancestors have." [sic]
Emperor Kisu: "Sorcerers, provide us with a show of lights fitting for such an occasion!"
Emperor Kisu: "Canthans young, old, male, and female, let us dance, drink, and celebrate the victories of the past, reenacted this day on our most memorable of holidays!"
Emperor Kisu: "Alas, I must leave to tend to pressing matters. Enjoy your celebration and honor those who have fallen in the past and those who toil to this day to keep our empire safe from harm."
Emperor Kisu: "Until we meet again in this life or the next, may the dragon and the goddess guide you through your days and bless each of you as they have blessed the empire."


Canthan defeat
Emperor Kisu: "We have lost? Is this part of the reenactment?"
Emperor Kisu: "Canthans, do not despair. We may have lost this fake battle but we can still rejoice in our past victories over the demons!"
Emperor Kisu: "This minor setback in our celebration counts for nothing compared to the bravery of our people. The Dragon Empire shall endure!"
Emperor Kisu: "Alas, I must leave to tend to pressing matters (and to exact a fitting punishment on the actors who have ruined this reenactment). Enjoy your celebration."
Emperor Kisu: "Until we meet again in this life or the next, may the dragon and the goddess guide you through your days and bless each of you as they have blessed the empire."