Earth Shaker

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Elite Hammer Attack. Target foe and all adjacent foes are knocked down. (50% failure chance with Hammer Mastery 4 or less.)

Elite Hammer Attack. Target foe and all adjacent foes are knocked down. (50% failure chance with Hammer Mastery 4 or less.)

Concise description
Elite Hammer Attack. Knocks down target and adjacent foes. 50% failure chance unless Hammer Mastery is 5 or more.


Signet of Capture

Related skills[edit]


  • Only the target foe is hit with the attack; this skill must hit for the knockdown to take effect.
  • Target foe and all foes adjacent to target foe are knocked down.

Hero Usage[edit]

  • Heroes will use this skill whenever it is charged, but will not change targets to apply the knock down to more foes via the area of effect.
