Feedback:User/Miteshu/Dead Zones

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Dead Zones are Explorable Areas without any way point areas.

You can travel out, but there is no way points in these areas.

What could be a Dead Zone?

-Remote regions, or areas that none of the five races taken over or inhabits. Has no dungeons, no story missions, some villages, some ruins, some events, lots of bosses. (I will explain most of my reasons on this part.)

-Enemies controlled areas- If they taken over a village, you have to travel to that village instead of popping out of no where.


-Few players will hang around that area. This way, you won't expect players to come in on a event that you REALLY do not want players to interfere(For bragging reasons, or wanting to go solo). -The Event can trigger when a player walks in accidentally. -Fight bosses solo or with your team of five. -If the enemies taken over the village, it wouldn't be immersive just to pop in the center of the village killing skritts. If someone else finish this event, you get your way point travel to this area back again. (use for Enemies controlled regions) -Replacement of Hard mode- It will require you to live... Otherwise you'll have to go back from the nearest waypoint. -Hidden landmarks galore- Chances are, you'll be the first to notice a "Tome of the Gods" that has been left. -Villages with rare items/equipment sold in this area.

What I would like to add: -I was thinking that Remote region dead zones could be an PK area for some extra fun. But if not, I can live with it.

Things to point out: -There is a difference between Remote regions Dead Zones and dungeons, and the explorable area in GW1. Dead Zones are not instance based and part of the free roam area of Guild Wars 2. If you log out, and log back in, you'll still be back where you were in the Dead Zone. Dungeons are instance based, so I'll assume that once you go in, and log out, you'll be outside the dungeon or back into town. -A Few people will hang around in Remote Region Dead Zones. Why? Because there is no important reason to do so. There are bosses, and there are events. But there are many of bosses and events in 'way point areas.' Some people might travel in Dead Zones for the rare equipments. Some people might travel for the events, some might even travel for the bosses or to travel around. But they aren't as important as the storyline. It will give players a sense of being alone if they want to. If not, they can bring their team of five. -No End boss, no end loot. Free roam! -Exploring is hard and it is worth it.