Feedback:User/Ohcul/Titles with heavy farming

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Please make any titles that involve heavy time investment account-wide and not per-character. I will give a few examples from GW1:

The Norn, Asura, etc. titles from Eye of the North and the Sunspear and Lightbringer from Nightfall all require much farming and time investment to maximize. I don't say this is bad by itself. It could be fun if you only have to do it once and you get some permanent benefit for it. But when you realize all this farming was only for one of your 10 characters, it feels very unrewarding and a great waste of time. To make the things even worse, my warrior (with whom I have farmed the most and has highest ranks) cant even use many of the title spells which cost the prohibitive for a warrior 10+ energy. And my Elementalist, who could use these spells, don't benefit from my long time investment. And no, I can NOT do it all over and over again because i'm not a robot and i get bored of doing the same thing without end.

Another example would be the titles that don't require your active time investment, but are still extremely slow to gain due to some limited resource. These are the sweet tooth, party animal, drunkard, etc. It is not feasible to gain such titles to more than one character. Not to mention for some (or all?) of them it is not feasible to maximize even for a single character. So please at least make such titles account-wide.

An example for a good title in the sense of this suggestion are the 2 titles from Factions (Kurzick and Luxon) - their time investment is heavy, but they indeed feel very rewarding because you know you have really gained something which wont be in vain if you decide to play with another character.