Feedback:User/Reaper of Scythes/Summoning Stones

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So we all heard about these companions and I figured out how they might be able to do this:

Companion = Summoning stone[edit]

  • One ally, not three heroes
  • Summoning stones were added to GW1 later because when they were develloping GW2 they thought up summoning stones and wanted players to meet them to test the idea.
  • So they probably will be like this:
    Asura can summon a Golem,
    Human can summon a Dwarf,
    Sylvari can summon a Druid,
    Norn can summon a Kodan
    Charr can summon a Siege Devourer.
  • They also said something about wanting to reward player for not taking Companions with them, so you will probably be less powerfull like Shadow Form with 33% less damage dealing (No not enter Godmode, just 33% less damage).
  • These allies' skills and attributes might be costumizable like heroes are in GW1: e.g. you can create a damage dealing summon if you are a healer or you can create a healer if you are a damage dealer yourself (and ofcourse you can balance it out).

Feedback is appreciated and feel free to add something more about this!