Feedback:User/Tennessee Ernie Ford/One-stop shopping for skills

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One stop shopping for skills[edit]

Suggestion: Change the Guild Hall skills NPC so that they sell any/all skills that you have unlocked (instead of just core skills). Add similar NPCs to Embark Beach and the Great Temple of Balthazar.

Possible restrictions: only sell to e.g.
  • Level 20 characters
  • Characters that have completed the relevant campaign.

Suggestion: Add hero skill trainers to Embark Beach and the guild halls.

Likely restrictions: only sell to...
  • L20 characters, with Nightfall on the account.
  • And (possibly) restrict to only toons that have finished NF.


Veterans spend far too much time trying to track down which NPCs offer which skills in which campaign and in which outpost. Sure, we want new players to have go through the storyline (or at least, buy a run) to the relevant areas. But, if the skill is already available to our heroes, why should it be hard for the main character to obtain it?

The game already marks unlocked skills in the skills-purchase window, so why not make them all available? In fact, we can already buy tomes for less than the cost of purchasing a skill, so, at worst, this just creates a more expensive option.