Feedback talk:User/Age/Monks or healer class
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If they decided to bring a dedicated healer class back they would have to revert the entire combat system back to GW1. Which is exactly why they chanegd it in the first place. But they have also said that there will be a class or two more oriented towards supporting other players so that monk players (such as yourself) dont feel left out. And about the missions thing, well the entire game is geared towards making everyone want to work co-operatively. Read the main articles on the GW2 website, you should be pleasantly surprised =] --Jimmer123 16:10, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
No on dedicated healer class.[edit]
I agree with the above poster. A monk class is not necessary because of the above reasons.
--Thalanor Thornhale 23:53, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
- One of the major support classes is the other soldier class. Looking through their concept artworks, they have a selection of character shots, most of which are exactly the same or highly similar to the profession wallpapers we've seen. One of these character shots looks like a paragon, only with more armor (templar-like, Id say). Therefore, I believe that it will be a support type class. Same goes for Mesmer, its returning as well. Monk was removed due to the fact that monks dont play GW, they play the "red bar" game. Red bar goes dark, you pop a heal on them. Red bar goes completely dark, you pop a res. Your red bar goes dark, run around like crazy till you pop a heal on yourself or till you die. Not really that fun. Every class in the game is capable of being self supporting HP wise, therefor there is no need for a healing monk. Some type of melee martial arts "monk" now would probably be welcome in my book...--Neithan Diniem
16:01, 9 January 2011 (UTC)
- They had announced quite some time ago that there would be a profession catered to people who played as monks. This class will most likely be a "scholar" (light armor, akin to the necro and ele) and will most likely include combat buffing abilities like protection prayers and smiting prayers, but no direct healing abilities (or very, very, VERY few). Supporting each other and being more self-sufficient is how GW2 is going to play, so monks, whatever they happen to be called, will be much more playable and fun. I personally hope for a kind of shaolin wanderer: Light armor, martial arts, and combat buffing abilities. FleshAndFaith 22:15, 15 January 2011 (UTC)