Feedback talk:User/Briar/kick

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The "Game" value has to be "GW" or "GW2". — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 18:16, 7 Nov 2010 (UTC)

About the actual suggestion[edit]

The reason kick/votebans aren't in GW is because of the possibility of exploitation. You say you want to be able to kick people, but trust me, you really don't. ~Shard User Shard Sig Icon.png 08:16, 19 November 2010 (UTC)

Imagine someone getting a good drop but being unable to pick it up because of his duty for example as a tank/healer whatever and that need to be stationed and players could kick him only to pickup the no longer assigned item (imagine the don't rez him and wait until the assignement expires grief method) :P --Miriforst fox User Miriforst fox fox icon.png 12:52, 22 November 2010 (UTC)