Guild:Gilded Dice

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Gilded Dice [Dice]

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Gilded Dice
File:Guild Gilded Dice cape.jpg
Territory America
Language english
Leader Rambo Q T
Faction Kurzick
Type PVX
No. of members 6
Guild Hall Isle of Solitude

Hello this is Gilded Dice our guild is for fun to bet and host on dice for a chance to win money ^^ and to have fun also we do daily games and weekly give aways free to enter ^^


Our guild does the following dice games 60 x 2 witch is roll 60 or above on 1-100 dice to win double your bet , 1 2 3 pick a number group 1 2 or 3 and roll dice 1-90 if it lands in your group you win double your bet , dice duels from 2-4 players roll dice from 1-100 winner is the 1 who roles highest.

Contact information

Elite Ecto Farmers Alliance
Leader Elite Ecto Farmers
Members Unknown