Guild:Heavens Royal Knights

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Heavens Royal Knights [HRK]

Heavens Royal Knights [HRK]
Guild Heavens Royal Knights cape.jpg
Territory USA flag.png North America
Language English
Leader Ludwig Vonsigfried
Faction Kurzick.png Kurzick
Type PvE, PvP, Social
No. of members 57
Guild Hall Isle of Meditation
VoIP Teamspeak3 (TS3)
Time zone EST (UTC +5) / PST (UTC +8)

User Wynthyst Isle of Meditation 5.jpg
User Wynthyst Isle of Meditation 4.jpg
User Wynthyst Isle of Meditation 3.jpg
User Wynthyst Isle of Meditation 2.jpg

Rune Monk Sup.png
Advice and Player Tools

Player tools

User Tennessee Ernie Ford Farm icon.png Farming tips:

Gift of the Traveler.png Item of the Week predictive checklist
Paper Wrapped Parcel.png Keiran's picnic checklist
Main Event.png Weekend event predictor
  • HoM
Zodiac Daggers.png Comparison of weapon skins for your HoM (for those interested in limited costs, but maximizing their score).
Warrior Elite Platemail Helm f.png Comparison of eligible armors for your HoM (also: comparison of available hero upgrades)
  • Guides:
"I Am Unstoppable!".jpg Guild Wars Running & Escort Wiki.
Young Heroes of Tyria.png User:Rose Of Kali's Young Heroes guide to Survivor
Vanquished Helmet.png Armond's optimization guide

Rare Material Trader icon.png Price checks, including:

Small Bag of Gold.jpg Sources: past auction results, real time recent Kamadam trades
Everlasting Birthday Tonic.png Analysis: how much is it worth: How much are zoins worth? (about 4-23Gold/Copper Zaishen Coin or 3-12Platinum/Gold Zaishen Coin), How much are GotTs worth? (about 4k)

Rune Monk Sup.png
Announcement and Updates
Daily Calendar
Events calendar & Weekend events
Hunt coordination -
Nicholas -
Item of the Week Predictions -

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sadie Salvitas arrived in Lion's Arch at 12:01 AM Pacific (-7 GMT) on October 1st. She'll stay throughout the month, selling vials of pink dye in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Extra Luck Bonus

The road ahead is filled with opportunity! Keys and lockpicks drop at four times the usual rate, and you'll receive double lucky and unlucky points all week long. Weekly bonuses last until 3 PM GMT on Monday.

Random Arenas Bonus

Are you ready to face any challenge? Receive double Balthazar faction and double Gladiator title points while fighting in Random Arenas! Weekly bonuses last until 3 PM GMT on Monday.

I Have a New Key

If you've just purchased a Guild Wars product, click on the 'Create Account or Add Access Key' link in the login dialog to add your new access key.

Update -- October 1, 2024

  • Server maintenance build.

Update -- September 25, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where the network error code was printed incorrectly for a certain set of errors.

NOTES: The number "4294967" is the first seven digits of a small negative integer printed as an unsigned integer. Most importantly, the last three digits were not printed, and so this error number represented a potentially large range of errors. Error 4294967 was most often associated with trying to apply The Eye of the North expansion to an account that didn't have any of the main campaigns. Going forward the negative number will be printed. I can't tell for sure, but the EOTN error is probably -152.

Update -- September 17, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where the "rolloff" distance for sounds was very large. In some cases this resulted in waterfalls or fireplaces being heard throughout a map. Now the sound is much more localized.

NOTE: sound volume is relative to the camera position not the player position.

Celestial Sigil.png
Guild Services
Services Added Costs
Platinum.png Xunlai Agent Yes 10Platinum 0Gold
Red Dye.png Dye Trader Yes 50Platinum 0Gold
Tanned Hide Square.png Crafting Material Trader Yes 100Platinum 0Gold
Glob of Ectoplasm.png Rare Material Trader Yes 100Platinum 0Gold
Rune Vigor Sup.png Rune Trader Yes 25Platinum 0Gold
Scroll of Berserker's Insight.png Scroll Trader Yes 50Platinum 0Gold
Signet of Capture.jpg Skill Trainer Yes 100Platinum 0Gold
Main PvP.png Priest of Balthazar Yes 10Platinum 0Gold
Expert Salvage Kit.png Merchant Yes 25Platinum 0Gold
Weaponsmith icon.png Weaponsmith Yes 10Platinum 0Gold
Guild Emblemer icon.png Guild Emblemer‎ Yes 10Platinum 0Gold
Canthan Ambassador icon.png Canthan Ambassador Yes 10Platinum 0Gold
Festival Hat Keeper icon.png Festival Hat Keeper Yes 10Platinum 0Gold
Total 510Platinum 0Gold

Celestial Sigil.png
About Us

HRK began in 2004 as the United Clan Killers, a first person shooter clan specializing in the Rainbow Six series. Through comradarie and support of one another, this clan added its HRK division. HRK exists to provide a CLEAN environment for individuals and families to experience the joy of gaming together. Many of our members are pastors or active in their respective churches and a code of conduct is adhered to by all.

HRK is more than just a guild. We are a gaming community who prays for one another, and supports one another during easy and difficult times. Through joys like weddings and births, to troubles like marriage, financial, health, and death of loved ones, HRK truly fosters respect and community.

HRK believes that the anonymity of the internet can be a positive although occasionally harmful thing. The guild believes that anonymity presents gamers with the temptation to present themselves in ways that would be unacceptable in real life. Consequently, gamers often resort to explosive and inflammatory language or actions. In response to this, HRK emphasizes mutual respect.

Additionally, HRK respects that gaming is more than just a fantasy. Its members have formed real relationships and, as a guild, they've lived through marriage, births, the deaths of friends, loss, and the change of jobs. In each circumstance, the guild emerges as a group of friends, rather than an anonymous collection of gamers, who support each other with prayer and encouragement.

HRK membership comprises a broad assortment of mature players. Of the forty-one members, many are professionals or students, there are even some that are ordained ministers. Many members are involved in their respective churches in real life, though not all are.


Our guild was featured as guild of the week on in October of 2006 which you may view here-October 3 Guild of the week

Celestial Sigil.png
Rules and Joining

Our minimum age is 17 years old, however there are exceptions to this rule such as family members and individuals who leadership give the ok to. If interested in joining HRK feel free to contact any officer of the guild.

If this is your first visit to the Heavens Royal Knights guild wiki page, hello and welcome! We hope you enjoy your time with us and will stay with us so we can learn more about you and make you a part of our guild. If you are returning to our rules page due to a rules update or just to refresh your memory or to see what our guild events are, thank you for doing so. There are just a few basic rules about our guild.

  • 1. Language: Always keep the language clean! This includes cursing, expletives such as "omg" or "wtf", sexual content, and/or any other inappropriate material. If you want to shorten a phrase such as oh my gosh you may say omgosh but don't use "omg" since it has a notoriety for being used against the Lord's name in vain. Please keep the language clean in guild and alliance chat, while with alliance members, and wherever you speak. God sees all and we can't hide from God like Jonah tried to do. This includes character names and pet names as well.
  • 2. Honor: Try to keep the environment uplifting for others and yourself. If you see anyone breaking the rules, we strongly advise you take a screen shot and a short description of what happened and who was involved. If you are not an officer or leader please do not try to take matters into your own hands when the situation happens, simply report it to the guild leader or an officer that is online and we will take care of the situation, this also includes offensive character names.
  • 3. Belief: We welcome believers of any faith or no faith to be in our guild, but please save any religious chat or debate other than Christianity for forums and/or voice chat only, not in game. This is not a way of shutting anyone out but to simply keep the gaming environment secure for gaming purposes.
  • 4. Charity: You may ask for help. (Please do not spam, only state your need once every five minutes and please do not "shout" in CAPITAL letters). We love doing missions, quests, farming, buying, selling, or trading items... but please -do not- beg or pander for gold (money)! We will help you earn money via farming, questing or some other form if necessary. You may whisper someone asking to borrow money if you feel they can trust you but we are not responsible for any kind of trade or payment. If officers or members see you asking for money over alliance chat, we will kindly ask you to stop once or twice, and if it is repetitive you may be kicked from the guild.
  • 5. Family: Heavens Royal Knights is a guild with a group of people who has been together for awhile and many friendships have been formed so we support one another during easy and difficult times. We like to provide a CLEAN environment for individuals and families to experience the joy of gaming together.

HEY RECRUITS! Wondering what to do next? You can contact Tranquility Of Soul or PM in-game any officer or the guild leader listed below for a request to join our guild; however, do not be surprised if they would like to do a mission or quest run with you before sending an invite.

If you feel there is anything that needs to be more specified, clarified, added, and/or removed, please let any officer or the guild leader know and we will do our best to fulfill the request.

Celestial Sigil.png
Guild Leaders and Officers
User HRK-CoLoSSal Uprising characters2.jpg

Guild Leader

  • Warrior.png Ludwig Vonsigfried


  • Mesmer.png Alena Morrigan (Nealie)


Guild Heavens Royal Knights Smallmeet.jpg

Celestial Sigil.png

[[Guild:The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MILK]|The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MILK]]] Alliance
Leader [[Guild:The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MILK]|The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MILK]]]
Members Our God Is A ConsumingFour Star Christian ForceCity Of Refuge • X Lion Legion X • Defender Of The Cross • Lets Aggro Everything At • Heavens Royal Knights • Ewok Mercenaries • Guardians Of The Mystic Realm