Kilgor Rageheart/Collector

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Kilgor Rageheart[edit]

Location: Vloxen Excavations (halfway between Vlox's Falls and Umbral Grotto)
Collecting: 5 Skelk Fangs

Item Stats Requirements Weapon bonuses Value
Dungeon Map Double-click to reveal important locations in the current dungeon level.
Wooden Longbow Piercing Dmg: 15-28 9 Marksmanship Damage +15% (while in a Stance) 100 Gold
Lesser Highlander Blade* Slashing Dmg: 15-22 9 Swordsmanship Damage +15% (while in a Stance) 100 Gold
Korambits Slashing Dmg: 7-17 9 Dagger Mastery Damage +15% (while in a Stance) 100 Gold
Goldleaf Defender Armor: 16 9 Command Health +45 (while in a Stance)
Inscription: None
100 Gold
Jeweled Chakram Energy +12 9 Illusion Magic Health +30
Inscription: None
100 Gold
Bleached Skull Energy +12 9 Death Magic Health +30
Inscription: None
100 Gold
Golden Chalice Energy +12 9 Energy Storage Health +30
Inscription: None
100 Gold
Protective Icon Energy +12 9 Protection Prayers Health +30
Inscription: None
100 Gold
Restoration Focus Energy +12 9 Restoration Magic Health +30
Inscription: None
100 Gold

* The Lesser Highlander Blade uses the Highlander Blade skin.