Game updates

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This list contains all recent updates as published by ArenaNet. If there are undocumented changes, they are listed in a section titled "Guild Wars Wiki notes" under the related update.

Update -- September 5, 2024[edit]

  • Added a new game client command line option "-stress <n>"
    • <n> is the time to run a stress test in milliseconds.
    • The test will run for <n> milliseconds each frame.
    • The stress test runs during loading screens and NOT while the game is running.
    • -stress without a numeric argument is the same as -stress 0, which does no stress testing.
    • -stress 10 is not particularly noticeable in terms of visibly slowing down the loading screen.
    • -stress 100 will make your loading screen update at 10 fps as it spends 100 ms each frame doing the test.
    • -stress 1000 will make your loading screen update at 1 fps.
    • -stress 10000 will make your loading screen update at 0.1 fps.
    • If the test fails, it will display a dialog box with this text: "Guild Wars detected a possible hardware malfunction. This may be due to a faulty or overheating processor or memory chip. The application will now terminate." Your only choice is "OK".

This code was a part of the game until 2018. It was originally put in because a long time ago, some new vendors got into the x86 processor business, and some of their CPU chips and/or motherboards were not stable. We removed this code because it slowed the game down when loading or minimized for no apparent benefit. Chip stability was fine, we thought, until just recently when we've had reports of some chips having stability errors. This might help diagnose those problems.

Update -- August 13, 2024[edit]

  • The text on the account create dialog has been updated to match the user agreement.

Update -- August 7, 2024[edit]

Note: A player reported to me that Tolkano was not showing the tournaments in some outposts. Upon investigation it seems he has not done so for a very long time. I always worry when the game doesn't do something obvious - there is usually an underlying reason. But I couldn't find anything in the code so as an experiment I've added the three lobbies mentioned above. If there are no issues found, I'll roll this change out to other PvP lobbies.

Update -- July 31, 2024[edit]

  • Server maintenance build

Update -- June 28, 2024[edit]

The User Agreement presented in-game has been updated to match the ArenaNet agreement.

The updated version will be displayed to you after you login and is based on your language setting in the game. You can change the language setting while the User Agreement is displayed by pressing F11 and changing your language selection.

The User Agreement has been localized into French, German, and Spanish.

The Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Taiwanese language versions are in English.

There is a more pleasantly formatted version at .

See also[edit]