Talk:Game updates:May 2009
Please use the relevant update's talk page to discuss.
fail. Annoying And Deadly
- What did you fail at this time then? Please, don't just announce it, tell us more about yourself. We're anxious to know. 06:06, 4 May 2009 (UTC)
- 145, puh-lease. Xhata 12:36, 4 May 2009 (UTC)
- Oh come on. It could be "fail because I wanted my lots of resigning faction points" or whatever was fixed, it could be "fail because you didn't pull skill changes out of your butt since the april update", it could be "fail because there are still constant fireworks in towns", it could be "fail because you didn't nerf RRCPSFUWF", it could be "fail because you didn't make makeovers free."
- Really, the possibilites for petty dismissive ambigous comments are legion. ^_^ --Star Weaver 16:17, 4 May 2009 (UTC)
- My guess would be the first. He doesn't seem like a socially caring person judging by his comment, so he aims to either gain glory by bashing Anet, or is mad that he didn't get free coins. 21:02, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
- 145, puh-lease. Xhata 12:36, 4 May 2009 (UTC)
no im saying that anets updates have been fail, and they need ot start testing things clientside, not just on dev servers. Annoying And Deadly 22:40, 7 May 2009 (UTC)
- You mean you find them a failure correct? Because they can't BE a failure unless everyone agrees. And the votes go roughly 50/50 these days. 14:48, 10 May 2009 (UTC)
all I see Anet doing at the moment is making a desparate attempt to keep us all around until the vaporware that is GW2 is "released"(Triad 21:36, 10 May 2009 (UTC))
- Look harder then. 10:28, 22 May 2009 (UTC)
Zaishen Combat Quest 05/07/09 update[edit]
- The update says the combat quests are now repeatable. Can anyone elaborate on this? Does the completed quest disappear from your log, or does it persist after completion? Do you have to get the quest again from the sign (like in GW:EN from the scrying pool)? Maybe I'm inferring the wrong meaning, but the boost to faction would make Kurz/Lux Title farming significantly easier (and piss off anyone who earned those titles already). Not to mention the gold a z-coins. Anyone with additional info? 02:59, 8 May 2009 (UTC)
- You can take the quest again after completion as long as it's still available. 03:18, 8 May 2009 (UTC)
....."vaporware"??? seriously, they haven't even spent that much time on it, It's nice to see a team put some real time into a game. 18:36, 23 May 2009 (UTC)
Update 15/05/09[edit]
Disscuss --CAJOS talk 23:27, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
- Aegis Seems a lot more interesting, its like a mini Shadow Form --XNA 23:29, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
- I wonder if we'll get a developer update about this. I'd really like to know the motivation behind some of these changes. 00:24, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
- Anet is ridiculously bad at documentation. I doubt we will get a dev update.
- User:Shard/Translation2. I don't know why you guys wait for the real thing, they're just full of lies and ignorance. ~Shard
00:29, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
- I think they did this to Aegis for antispike measures in GvG [[Xzabre]] 11:17, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
- User:Shard/Translation2. I don't know why you guys wait for the real thing, they're just full of lies and ignorance. ~Shard
- Anet is ridiculously bad at documentation. I doubt we will get a dev update.
- I wonder if we'll get a developer update about this. I'd really like to know the motivation behind some of these changes. 00:24, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
I don't know why for PnH, they didn't make the newer version for PvP only. The original version before the update didn't harm the balance of the game at all. I don't see why there can't be 2 different versions for PnH. The same for Mirror of Ice, why couldn't they just make the newer version PvP only? Seer 04:39, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
The reason why I'm disappointed in this update is because Ray of Judgment didn't get fixed. Something so broken still not fixed is ridiculous. (OrganizedOP 05:52, 20 May 2009 (UTC))
- So is yours Shard. 10:28, 22 May 2009 (UTC)
Honest Review of this Update (Not QQing)[edit]
Martin told players to give the update some time. I've waited a little bit and here's my honest review after I put all complaints aside, thought it over, and gave it some time after a bit of analysis:
The buff to [Tryptophan Signet] is great. Will mesmers ever stop dominating the Vanguard line? Fast cast only makes it better. My only wish is that it was Nearby instead of Adjacent.
As for the Assassin's shadowstep buffs, those are also great. It was a fix that truly gives the Assassin it was intended to be. Warping in, striking hard, then quickly warping away from danger. Problem? Finding a way to make it more efficient in builds. Will surely be a fun toy in RA, at least. And I'm sure Viper's will have a comfy place on my skill bar :3
[Mirror of Ice] needed the nerf.. But [Shatterstone] is better anyways. Only problem now is the natural nature of Water Magic. It was efficient on fast casters because water magic hexes would cast faster. But now that it is limited to Elementalists, Water Users are going to have a hard time spamming Water Hexes since a majority of Water Magic skills were not easy to use in the first place (long cast time, recharge, and cost)
[Steam] also needed a nerf. However, its lack of damage is kind of bad for PvE and it should of been a PvP only nerf... Still, it's usable and not too bad. It was a fair update in my opinion.
[Illusionary Weaponry] is still useless. Nuff' said. Why not just change its overall functionality or give it an IAS and armor bonus, or whatever? It would be an interesting idea to see Mesmers function in the frontline, and perhaps it may even become a meta. We all know mesmer lacks builds without PvE skills, and this skill can be a key to reviving them if it were changed correctly. Bottom line is that it either needs to allow Mesmer to function in the front-lines, or have a totally new functionality. As a mesmer, I love this skill, to be honest. But it's that it's so sub-par that I simply can't!
With [Warrior's Endurance], I'm kind of in agreement on its PvP nerf. I guess it is overpowered, even on paper. Just leave it the way it is in PvE since it is an amazingly fun toy and gives a LOT of variety in builds.
[Low Blow] is still meh. As long as it's adrenaline based, I can't say it'll have a place on my bar. It's just generally not worth it. Especially the condition needed for Cracked Armor. I understand [Headbutt] -> [Low Blow] -> [Ear Bite] was designed to be a chain of skills, but with the 3 PvE skill limit, this skill just needs to be re-worked rather than messing with the damage counter. Though Low Blow shouldn't be a big priority, so whatever.
[Elemental Lord] and [Summon Spirits] were some of the gems of this update! Many rangers (and the low, LOW amount of ritualists *cough*) have trouble constantly transporting their spirits. The decrease in Summon Spirit's recharge helps a LOT. However, the problem still is that is that spirits are still useless in PvE and this is only good for specialized builds like EoE in 600 farms. Problem is, those are played usually only by heroes which don't even have Summon Spirits in the first place. As for [Elemental Lord], it's still as awesome as ever.
However, the nerf to [Castigation Signet] was unnecessary, and my experiences with its change proves like-so. [Protective_Was_Kaolai] is in the same mess as Castigation Signet is. Unnecessary nerf for PvE, and truly looks like a "Dart Board" nerf. But I guess I'll see the reasoning in the Dev update.
[Strength of Honor] might see some usage in PvE now. Though the problem is that is is maintained and just not worth the damage. But it's an improvement and quite honestly, It's going to be interesting to mess with.
[Fragility] being AoE is okay now. But it's still a very low tier skill. Problem is, if you buff its damage, it might be overpowered. At least it can be used with cryway now, instead of Mind Wrack. In fact, it's actually GREAT for cryway, now that I think about it!
The change to [Hunter's shot] is interesting. But the lack of +damage is really.. Boring. Barbed Spear and Sever Artery were balanced, but unless this skill is on par with cheap usage as those two skills, it'd be better to revert this..
I'm quite pleased with the PnH and LC nerfs. Maybe they're still "The meta", but at least they're not so insanely overpowered as much. On the contrary, this slightly buffed Paragons. ["It's just a flesh wound!"] now replaces PnH for condition removal. That said, PnH is still a master hex removing skill, and if anything needs to be done, please leave it for PvP only since this is a skill very commonly used inside the meta that people just LOVE.
Paragons and Dervishes still need to be re-worked, as well as buffed for PvE. And Ritualists DEFINITELY need a buff. With PwK killed, even in PvE, Ritualists are useless and totally replaced by necromancers. Period. Spawning power is the main concern though, as it's still a useless attribute, outside of Spirit Strength. On a side note, spiders now grow in size. But does this mean if I charmed a level 20 dire spider, it wasn't the full size, but now I can raise it bigger? Whatever.. The bigger the arthropod/insect, the better ^.^ And I'm glad you guys listened to us about storage and the merchant in the pvp areas of the game.
In conclusion, maybe people are overreacting a bit too much to this and it DID fix a lot of things. Maybe it was the fact you guys were occupied so long that we had our hopes up? Well, it is true you guys didn't hype this update whatsoever, so there's no need to feel anyways.
However, make sure to attend the current needed buffs in guild wars next month! Beast Mastery Attribute, Paragons, Ritualists all need a buff VERY badly! Especially the Beast Mastery attribute, as with the new menagerie, it is the perfect opportunity and more people want to fight with pets! Perhaps even make Beast Mastery have a use with other professions as well. It'd be very interesting to use pets more often.
Arenanet, please consider what I've said for the future. And who knows? Maybe you guys can get around to fixing things such as the Ritualist and Paragon. I shall wait until next month's update and perhaps even give that a review as well.
~ Kain Fy