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Lina the Healer[edit]

Is it comforimed that the pre-Lina is the same as the post-lina, they dont look like each other ~ KurdUser Kurd sig.png 21:33, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

Lina the Healer in pre-searing can't possibly be the same one as the one in post. Lina in pre is dark-skinned for a start. I could see maybe changing a hairstyle to differentiate between pre and post (similar to Orion) but skin color? There's no way they could be the same person. ~ Rhianna Selene 2:03, 07 November 2007 (EST)
Depends on who wrote this introduction to her. There are reasons to assume she is the same. There are reasons to assume she is not. I say it had been summer in pre searing so she had a tan... And she changed her hairdo (obviously dyed in pre, seing the blond stroke between the dark). Going from healer to protector is but a small step.. a monk is a monk is a monk can change builds whenever they please so (or would anyone challenge the 55 menlo in norn fighting is the same as menlo the hench? because his build is different?) hehe... ;P 09:52, 19 January 2008 (UTC)
Jarrel and Verata both undergo much bigger changes yet are still listed as the same people Pre and Post. Bear in mind if the Lina in pre is a different person that makes post Lina alongside Claude the only prophecies henchmen to not be present in pre. She also makes specific mention of previously tending a resurrection shrine. I'd say it seems like a bit of a stretch that there would be a Lina who tends a resurrection shrine at one point in the story and then another different Lina who used to tend a resurrection shrine later on while the original Lina has apparently vanished. 17:47, 18 July 2010 (UTC)

Ressurection Spell[edit]

Lol, even in GW:EN, Lina Prefers an Healing Prayers skill :P Zerpha The Improver 15:51, 3 September 2007 (UTC)

Fix Her[edit]

Someone should fix her AI. My party had 8 people 0dp in Alcaza Tangle and we attacked 2 Fethrofax. They attacked Sousuke and killed him in three hits. They attacked Xandra and killed her in three hits. We had just entered the area so we had full energy. What the hell are the monks programed to do? Why was there no heal/prot spell cast on either of the targets? I know they are supposed to be powerful but Lina really should have cast Protective Spirit and Mhenlo should have healed, they didn't die that fast. This happens to me too often, these monks need to be fixed. On a side note, she's supposed to be protection not heal, so why make her use Zelous Benediction? I know it's in the protection school but why not give her a skill which performs the function of a protection elite like Restore Condition, Divert Hexes or her old skill Shield of Regeneration? If you read the entry for Zealous Benediction it even says heroes don't know how to use it. Dancing Gnome 17:48, 11 September 2007 (UTC)

Looks like I'm not the only one who finds her a LOT worse in EoTN. Seems like she saves Protective Spirit for last (or never). If she used Protective Spirit first, Sousuke would need 6 or 7 more hits to be killed after the first hit. As it is, she's not much of a prot henchman in EoTN. I've resorted to having heroes run prot spirit as monk secondaries and they do a far better job than EoTN Lina ;). In contrast Mhenlo is great in EoTN - LoD rules, he does his best, but Lina's no help.
She's pretty adequate imo. ZB is under protection prayers btw.... A powerful heal which gives her energy in the process. True there are issues with monk AI. If not in combat they refuse to res as long as any human member still has a res if even a res sig. Which one would only take for the real emergencies. Dum dum dum dum dum ... I remember a mission where Alesia was the only survivor (we screwed up) she would refuse to res us until I flagged her to aggro nearby Charr, as soon as they started to attack her she would begin ressing. Don't ask how we managed to win the mission after all..... 09:48, 19 January 2008 (UTC)
The note about her using Protective Spirit as a heal is pretty bad, because all monk AI use Prot spirit as a heal if they have the skills (maybe its some sort of bug). For example, luxon priests in FA very rarely use Word of Healing, instead they spam Prot Spirit like crazy to heal your damage.Crimmastermind 09:56, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
Reword it then to mention the monk AI and maybe add the same note to other monks and see what others say. -- User Sig.png 04:01, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

Thank god, she protects us[edit]

"I will protect you." Maybe she even knows the terrible secret of space? ;) ~ dragon legacy 10:10, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

No, only players use the terrible "C+Space bar" combo :P Paddymew 13:55, 10 April 2009 (UTC)

regen bug[edit]

i was in eotn with lina at drakkar lake and after a small battle her health see to be stuck at like 80%-90%, it didnt regenerate no 1 healer her. she wasnt affected by deep wound either. has anyone else had this problem? Aliblaster 17:51, 22 October 2007 (UTC)

You were in battle so she couldn't naturally regen, and her health was high enough that people didnt need to heal her. 13:23, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

protector =[edit]

Just noticed, the remark "While effective as a second Monk, Lina should not be relied upon as the only source of healing in a group." is abundant since she is not a healer, she is a protector. So her job is not to heal to begin with... I think that should be obvious.... 09:54, 19 January 2008 (UTC)

A lot of people who begin the game haven't yet learnt that a protection monk doesn't fill the role of a healer. 09:14, 1 August 2008 (UTC)
um, the thing is, protection henchmen arent available for like ages, and most players should have already learnt whats the difference between protection and healing by then (any n00b who reads the manual knows that). Crimmastermind 09:27, 1 August 2008 (UTC)

Don't Panic[edit]

/Sigh... In what way are these two commonly used words, and even more commonly used sentence referring to the Hitchhikers? BlazeRick 11:17, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

I came, I saw, I removed :P -- User Sig.png 17:23, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
I suspect that it's an intentional reference, Guild Wars is filled with intentional pop culture references. -- User Gordon Ecker sig.png Gordon Ecker (talk) 06:59, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
Well, the "filled with intentional pop culture references" is mostly in Nightfall. The amount in Prophecies and Factions is a lot lower. So, for a common phrase like this, I wouldn't consider it trivia unless it is confirmed to be such. -- Azazel The Assassin\talk 07:13, 26 May 2009 (UTC)

Lina in the desert[edit]

She's also available as a level 17 protector henchman throughout the Crystal Desert, should that be added to the article? --Rion 16:04, 23 April 2008 (UTC)

It's the top entry on locations? Backsword 16:16, 23 April 2008 (UTC)
Not in the levels/attributes/skills section, tho. --Rion 17:26, 23 April 2008 (UTC)
It's the same build? 13:23, 21 May 2008 (UTC)
She doesn't use an elite in the desert cause she isn't lvl 20 or ascended yet. 09:13, 1 August 2008 (UTC)

Updating Evaluation[edit]


  • Protection prayers mitigate the damage taken by the party.

That is an attribute observation not her build's.

  • Elite skill reduces damage received and boosts healing directly to its target.

That is Aura of Faith observation.

User Yoshida Keiji Signature.pngYoshida Keiji(talk) 04:03, 26 January 2013 (UTC)

Well, anyone who is reading henchmen evaluations probably doesn't know all the skills inside out, and the fact that "protection prayers quickly reduces incoming damage" + that "elite can prevent spikes, such as from Spectral Agony" - is useful for them to know. Chieftain Alex 10:52, 26 January 2013 (UTC)

Last name "Esrevni"[edit]

Why do we believe that her last name is Esrevni? In case of Reyna and Alesia for example, we have the Beta Weekend Events and the Prophecies Strategy Guide. But for Lina, there is nothing.

Side question: Are Beta Weekend Events and the Prophecies Strategy Guide canon enough to warrant adding their last names to the top of the henchwomen's pages? And not just the trivia? In case of the BWE I'd say no, other things have changed and they are only noted at the bottom. But the SG? Steve1 (talk) 16:56, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Edit summary of the edit which added it asys Prophecies Strategy Guide. - Tanetris (talk) 18:33, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
Two follow up Qs: 1) Do we consider the SG as canon?
2) Lina was added later, she wasn'T originally in the game. When did the SG come out? So much later that it had this new addition in it already? Does anyone have the SG who's left to check? Steve1 (talk) 20:10, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
Citation on Lina being added later? Publication date of the strategy guide is, from a quick google, June 3, 2005. Regardless, here's some comments on a GuildWiki talk page from 2005 also stating that it's in the strategy guide:
Nevermind, I see the confusion. The July 13, 2005 update says Lina was added to the Crystal Desert missions, but if you look at GuildWiki history she'd already been in Dragon's Lair (and onward presumably) prior to that update. - Tanetris (talk)
Ah, good to know. Didn't recall that Lina was available from DL onwards. Thanks!
That leaves the last question: Is the Prophecies Strategy Guide / Primaguide considered a reliable source / canon? Since it's not part of the game and not published by ANet directly ... Steve1 (talk) 10:19, 2 September 2024 (UTC)
I can confirm she is listed as Lina Esrevni in the prima guide. Its a "reliable" source but I don't know about canon. The thing to appreciate about the prima guide is that it has stuff in it that isn't something the community would normally know, certainly not in mid 2005. I assume they had access to devs and behind the scenes type stuff. There are little inaccuracies even for 2005 but if you can understand those you can really see just how much legit work went into it. Its over 200 pages. Oh it is listed as an "Official Game Guide" with anet and ncsoft logos on cover too. Justice (talk) 00:54, 3 September 2024 (UTC)
OK, thanks. Steve1 (talk) 09:11, 3 September 2024 (UTC)