Talk:Raid on Shing Jea Monastery (Hard mode)

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Dialog Banter[edit]

I'm pretty sure Cynn only spawns in teh Hm version, and there is a dialogue for her too. File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 15:10, 10 February 2012 (UTC)

She has dialogue after the battle is over as well. Something about planning iirc. 07:37, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
It's a shame she only appears in HM. If I wasn't reading the wiki, I would have missed that scene entirely... (and that's what I've been waiting for since the beginning of Prophecies...) 14:25, 11 February 2012 (UTC)
One of the lines is different in HM from the one in NM. While it's "I thank you for the offer, but I think it's due time I speak with her myself." in NM, the line goes "I thank you for the offer, but I think it's due time I speak with her myself. Besides, I think someone else is waiting to speak with you..." - I'd add this myself but I'm not sure what exactly to write so that I'd be clear that this line is different in HM. --weby [TALK] @ 22:37, 17 February 2012 (UTC)
Ok so I'd suggest we just paste in the block of text, I don't know when the "oh mhenlo we have some planning to do" and response fall in terms of time.
After the last wave is defeated
Interim Headmaster Mhenlo: "We've done it! We won!"
Apprentice Zhi: "We...*hic*...won? Wait, what did we win? Was it more wine!? I think I need a nap..."
Interim Headmaster Mhenlo: "Thank you, <Party leader>. Without you the monastery surely would have fallen."
Canthan Guard: "Headmaster, our scouts report Ministry of Purity boats on the horizon."
<Party leader>: "Always so seems it is time for us to take our leave."
Interim Headmaster Mhenlo: "Leave? But you're the heroes of the day!"
<Party leader>: "I've seen what the Ministry does to heroes that do not share their convictions."
Interim Headmaster Mhenlo: "I heard rumors about your falling out with the Ministry, but I did not realize the extent of your disagreement. Perhaps if I speak with them on your behalf. I could speak with Reiko..."
<Party leader>: "I thank you for the offer, but I think it's due time I speak with her myself. Besides, I think someone else is waiting to speak with you..."
Cynn: "Oh Mhenlo, we have some planning to do!"
Interim Headmaster Mhenlo: "By the Six, what have I agreed to?"
I'll verify the text order when i finish the quest on my mesmer.. -- File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 00:55, 18 February 2012 (UTC)


I had a hard time with this one until I positioned the guards within healing distance of the other npc's (mhenlo etc.) I think they are more likely to all rez when closer also. Sonyareanne 22:57, 18 April 2012 (UTC)

Just spam explosives, drop them on the ground when not using, put traps on the corner of stairway and have guards follow you to nuke one side while your heroes do the other File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 23:39, 18 April 2012 (UTC)

Poor Mhenlo[edit]

I imagined the mario dying music when he realised what he did :)--SuperPudz 07:28, 1 May 2012 (UTC)

Safe Hero HM Strategy[edit]

After failing on this countless times with dozens of different team builds I finally resorted to using the Blood is Power trick from the Cleansing Haiju Lagoon mission to lure Mhenlo away from danger.

Before entering the mission, disable any healing/protection/minion skills on your heroes. Once you enter the mission, immediately flag your party due east of your starting location, back past the cherry blossom trees and then south toward the stairs leading to Linnok Courtyard. Approach Mhenlo and start spamming Blood is Power, which will draw attention from both Mhenlo and Headmaster Quin as they race to heal you. Keep moving slowly backward toward your party, and continue using the same method to lead Mhenlo and Quin up the stairs to Linnok Courtyard. The portal is inactive during this mission so you can continue safely through it. Once you reach the top of the stairs and the closed courtyard gate, head left (north) and move as far back as you can to pull the NPCs away from the stairs. When done correctly they should be up against the wall which will keep them both far away from attacking Sensali, and from running up to your party as you wait between waves.

User Ninestories Raid on Shing Jea Monastery HM pt1.jpg User Ninestories Raid on Shing Jea Monastery HM pt2.jpg

By this time the entire first wave of Sensali should be milling around near the starting area, and you can re-enable your skills and find a convenient place to set up your party before you start pulling mobs; I recommend the circular entranceway to the merchant area and pulling enemies down the main stairs near the starting area where they can be both effectively cornerblocked and hit by casters through the wall:

User Ninestories Raid on Shing Jea Monastery HM pt3.jpg

Once all enemies in a wave are defeated, run quickly back toward the Linnok Courtyard steps. Your group can wait safely at the top of the first set of stairs (still a ways from Mhenlo) as each new enemy group moves toward the starting area. Once they've all moved into position, you can return to your ambush area and begin pulling the next group. Be aware that during the beginning of the round where Cynn shows up she will usually aggro a single group of Sensali and draw them toward your group as they wait atop the stairs, so be ready for a quick fight.

It took a few tries to get Mhenlo to follow correctly (he seems tied pretty hard to his starting location), but once you get him all the way up those stairs he'll be safely out of the way and won't budge for the rest of the mission unless a target needing healing comes within radar range. Try to get started pulling him as quickly as possible and take advantage of the annoyingly long dialogue that takes place before the first wave to move him into position. Once he's out of the equation the rest is simple when pulling correctly, fighting one group of 2-6 mobs at a time. That said, avoid monkeying with the Canthan Guard NPCs as they are more effective weakening a coming wave in their starting positions than they are fighting alongside you. ninestories 07:51, 26 May 2012 (UTC)

Sorry, but this strategy doesn't work. Try it next time before you post :) 06:02, 5 June 2012 (UTC)
"It took a few tries to get Mhenlo to follow correctly" - why do people instantly conclude stuff doesn't work when they've only tried it a handful of times? try harder :> File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 09:27, 5 June 2012 (UTC)
Actually, I did, and that's the point. I'm not sure if ANet changed his AI, or what, but he no longer follows. At all. I was able to complete this by wasting a conset, but Quin is much closer to where you're "pulling" from, and therefore much more likely to notice and heal you. If you approach Mhenlo much closer, you'll attract the attention of the Monastery students (making it that much more difficult to create enough of a health loss to attract Mhenlo's attention before it's healed away by other healers). I'm not sure if you're just not accurately representing your strategy here, but Mhenlo absolutely will not follow. And yes, I tried it like 5 or 6 times. 19:55, 5 June 2012 (UTC)
I used this method with two separate characters the day I wrote that post (10 days ago) and I haven't seen anything in the latest updates indicating the AI for this quest has been adjusted. Because Quin and Mhenlo will compete to heal you, the key was to spam Blood is Power quickly enough to hold both of their attention as you pull them away from the starting location. Agreed, Mhenlo can be pretty stubborn, but if you keep your health consistently low enough (below 25%) it should be enough to pull them both. ninestories 04:47, 6 June 2012 (UTC)
This really isn't a hard quest. I basically ran this guy who went afk like an asshole - I was running R/W barrage with Sy and spamming alcoholic explosions. Trapping the stairs west of mhenlo will help immensely. (you can wipe a wave easily with two traps and a barrage or two from the Canthan Guards. (and your heroes can fight off the south side if you give them panic and ineptitude). I think perhaps the key to this quest is to give the user of the alcohol very short recharging skills (since they're disabled for their recharge after each usage.) File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 08:14, 6 June 2012 (UTC)
Did this, worked like a charm once I figured out how much to spam. Thanks a lot. Mango 20:37, 24 August 2012 (UTC)

not trying to sound like a dick but, heroes: SoS, SoGM, Panic flagged slightly to 1 side("SyG" on panic and SoGM), spaced a tiny bit out, not to far over to the "direct" stairs, 2 discord's+Xnraes necro healer+UA monk=you laying traps befor each battle at the stout of the tight stairs, and bottom of direct stairs, +bring some mid AoE dmg=yawn in HM, but each to there own tactics....bored of gw2 already so im doing WoC nm/hm for 4th time on my rit, so was checking how easy its gotten since the nerfs, people still find it hard, lmao....IT NEVER WAS.-- 18:47, 2 September 2012 (UTC)

Actually tried several times with some BiP/Mesmerway hero team, failed miserably. Tried various method to pull Mhenlo and failed miserably. But with compo above (I used a E for SoS) and heroes spread out with flags, while I was just running around and tossing bombs, it worked like a charm. All Canthan guard were following me and I was pulling them into the west wave. I guess that the healing power makes the difference with my previous compo tries. -- Nae Lussia Taani 06:59, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
A super easy way to complete this is to use 3 AotL Necros with Putrid Flesh, at the start wait (near Mhenlo) for your Necros to have 4 minions each (you can make the Canthan NPC's follow you while waiting for the minions), then flag your team at the courtyard gate (beyond the Linnok portal). Quin AND Mhenlo WILL follow the minions everytime. Proceed to deactivate AotL on your Necros, use Putrid Flesh to kill your minions. Mhenlo and Quin will stay stationary near the gate, allowing you to relax and kill the Sensali at your pace. 19:25, 14 March 2017 (UTC)
I did this in 2018. still works.

It needed like 3 or 4 tries before he would follow me (until i got how to properly do it) but when he finally got up to the gate he stayed there. just ping like 1 Hero to stay close to you and cast BiP on him, make sure you dont aggro the little NPC guy, the scholar dude, or you'll get too much heal from him and lose aggro on Mhenlo fast. After that it's just a case of not overaggroing the enemys and staying safe. If Mhenlo is pulled correctly he'll never go back down. 17:32, 13 January 2018 (UTC)