Mynta Nightingale
- Zenmai
- Jora
- Pyre Fierceshot
- Livia
- Anton
- Xandra
- Hayda
- Kahmu
- M.O.X.
Nikita Nosferatu
- Goren
- Acolyte Jin
- Master of Whispers
- Norgu
- Razah
- General Morgahn
- Jora
- Pyre Fierceshot
- Livia
- Anton
- Xandra
- Hayda
- Kahmu
Omi Ishii
- Goren
- Acolyte Jin
- Margrid the Sly
- Master of Whispers
- Olias
- Norgu
- Acolyte Sousuke
- Zhed Shadowhoof
- Razah
- General Morgahn
Tally Tum
- Goren
- Master of Whispers
- Acolyte Sousuke
- Zenmai
- Razah
- Jora
- Livia
- Anton
- Xandra
- Hayda
- Kahmu
- M.O.X.