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A list of games I've played. It's most likely not complete, but if I put any significant time or effort into it it'll be on here. Asterisks mark the ones I *really* poured time into, most likely in the form of multiple playthroughs or 100% unlocks. Sadfaces mark games I played that just sucked. (ps I have comments on most of these)
- Doom 95/Doom 2
- Hexen
- Warcraft 1
- Warcraft 2 and expansion*
- Warcraft 3 and expansion :(
- Starcraft
- Diablo 1
- Diablo 2*
- Command & Conquer, Tiberian Sun/Firestorm :( , Red Alert 1
- Age of Empires 1/2
- Final Fantasy 7*
- Final Fantasy 8* (fuck you I actually had PC versions of both games)
- Baldur's Gate I
- Baldur's Gate II*
- Icewind Dale 1/2 :(
- Half-Life 1 :(
- Half-life 2 + ep1/2
- Portal
- Team Fortress 2 :/
- Guild Wars :/
- Everquest 2 :(
- World of Warcraft*
- Starfox 64*
- Goldeneye*
- Perfect Dark :(
- Pilotwings 64
- Pokemon Snap (lol)
- Star Wars Episode I: Racer (aka podracer)*
- Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo
- Jet Force Gemini
- WCW/NWO Revenge*
- Super Mario 64*
- Mario Party
- Mario Kart 64
- Waverace 64
- Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Zelda: Majora's Mask*
- Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1/2*
- Final Fantasy X*
- Final Fantasy X-2 :((((
- Final Fantasy XII
- Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse :(
- Twisted Metal: Black :(
- Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, San Andreas*
- Tekken (any of them, namely Tag and 5)
- Devil May Cry (1)
- God of War
- Katamari Damacy
- Guitar Hero
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Star Wars Battlefront 1/2
- Timesplitters 2*
- Silent Hill 2
- Gauntlet Legends: Dark Legacy