This user's favorite game is Guild Wars.
Barrage is Braylin's favorite skill.
This user is a Tyrian at heart!
This user is a member of the Luxon alliance but doesn't care about the Alliances.
This user has spent 400 hours in Guild Wars in 29 months (0.5 h/day).
This user writes Guild Wars Fan Fiction.
This user is a little giddy about userboxes.
This user actually believes in a thing called grammar.
This user got GWW blocked at her school.
This user shamelessly lifted these userboxes from other users.
This user likes to be distracted away from her homework.
This user thinks all online relationships will inevitably fail.
This user believes that sarcasm doesn't work online at all!
This user is a modern day Vampire.
This user lives in her mind.
If this user were in the game, she'd be a Tyrian Ranger.
This user is a sheep in wolf's clothing.
This user finds farming boring.
This User
This user want's to know why you have to say "This user." in userboxes"
This user hates blind >_<
This user is usually silent but will communicate if necessary.
This user plays for the Luxons, but seriously thinks all those Luxon and Kurzick fanboys need to get a life.
This user has a tendecy to put something off for a day, then again, again and again.
This user is not a morning person.
This user throws things at people.
This user only uses 4 out of his 10 fingers while typing and still gets over 70WPM and over 40NPM