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What I really need is a list of perfect weapons by profession and where to get them. Such a thing doesn't exist on either of the two wikis. I'll have to do it myself. It will take some time.
I have no idea how to make it part of the wiki, as the instructions for contributing are incredibly bad and assume I already know how to do it all. So I'll just stick it here on my userpage for starters.

Perfect Weapons by Profession


Dagger Mastery Weaponry


Scythe Mastery Weaponry


Air Magic Weaponry
Energy Storage Weaponry
Fire Magic Weaponry
Water Magic Weaponry


Domination Magic Weaponry
Fast Casting Weaponry
Illusion Magic Weaponry Inspiration Magic Weaponry


Divine Favor Weaponry
Healing Prayers Weaponry
Protection Prayers Weaponry
Smiting Prayers Weaponry


Blood Magic Weaponry
Curses Weaponry
Death Magic Weaponry
Soul Reaping Weaponry


Command Weaponry
Motivation Weaponry
Spear Mastery Weaponry


Flatbow Options
Hornbow Options
Longbow Options
Recurve Bow Options
Shortbow Options


Channelling Weaponry
Communing Weaponry
Restoratiion Weaponry
Spawning Power Weaponry


Axe Mastery Weaponry
Hammer Mastery Weaponry
Sword Mastery Weaponry
Strength Weaponry
Tactics Weaponry

So each of these should lead to a page that has the bonus weapons, the unique weapons, the smithed weapons and the collector weapons all nicely grouped together: what the weapon is, the mods, where to get it and what you need.