User:Darth bandit/Allia Secura

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UserMojah Empty.png
Dervish-icon.png Allia Secura
Avatar of Grenth.jpg Avatar of Grenth is Allia Secura's favorite skill.
File:User Darth bandit Allia Secura Primeval.png "Cut. Once committed to fight, Cut. Everything else is secondary. Cut. That is your duty, your purpose, your hunger. There is no rule more important, no commitment that overrides this one. Cut."
  • Dervish/Ritualist
  • Level 20, Elonian
  • Female
  • Height: High
  • Age: 17 years and 14 days
  • Experience: 8'000'000+
  • Armor:
  • Elite armor:
Nightfall Prestige Armor: YesElite Sunspear, YesVabbian, YesAncient, YesPrimeval
Eye of the North Armor: NoNorn, YesMonument, NoAsuran
Core Prestige Armor: NoObsidian
  • Other Armor:
  • Favorite weapon: none
  • Pet:
  • Heroes:
Koss-icon.jpgTahlkora-icon.jpgDunkoro-icon.jpgAcolyteJin-icon.jpgMelonni-icon.jpgOlias-icon.jpgMOX-icon.jpgVekk-icon.jpgOgden Stonehealer-icon.jpgGwen-icon.jpg
Jora-icon.jpgAcolyteSousuke-icon.jpgMargridTheSly-icon.jpgZhedShadowhoof-icon.jpgGeneralMorgahn-icon.jpgZenmai-icon.jpgPyre Fierceshot-icon.jpgLivia-icon.jpgXandra-icon.jpgAnton-icon.jpg
  • Heroes to get:
  • Titles:
  • Other Accomplishments:
  • Guild Wars: Prophecies - FinishedYes
  • Guild Wars: Factions - FinishedYes
  • Guild Wars: Nightfall - FinishedYes
  • Guild Wars: Eye of the North - FinishedYes
  • Cleared Domain of Anguish
  • Goals: