This user is a member of the Livia's Cleavage Fan Club.
This user likes to steal userboxes from other users.
This user has a different way of opening chests....
This user likes the taste of human blood.
No, I don't like you either.
This user is an evil monster.
This user believes that Bone Minions are best served with a side dish of Kick Ass.
This user is not a morning person.
This user doesn't understand why most people have those long boring stories on their character pages.
This user is a Wikinoob and thus uses the Trial and error method when Wikicoding.
This user likes girls who play Guild Wars.
This user loves when people shout "Kill that f*cking mesmer!".
This user is a member of the Cynn's Thong Fan Club.
This user admires Mad King Thorn for his hilarious games and jokes. "LAUGH NOW OR DIE!"
This user slays brutally obliterates Carolers of Dwayna!
This user is a bad really bad dodger
This user needs to learn how to get out of enemy fire
This user hates noobs that keep inviting him after he declined.
This user never has enough cash!
This user enjoys looking at other user pages.
![Gold.png](/images/1/10/Gold.png) ![Platinum](/images/f/fe/Platinum.gif)
This user has gotten rich...
...But not by farming these
This user prefers the color black when it comes to dying armor.
Everything is ten times more awesome when it's on fire.
This user doesnt understand what all the emo is about and doesnt care wether its OP or not.
This user wanted seven Hero teams and got it!
Rest in peace pieces, Saidra. Your sacrifice Your running off, aggroing Mursaat and then vanishing, causing us to die because we're not infused will not be forgotten. EVER.
This user melts under extreme pressure.
This user is nocturnal.
This user is Dutch, hate him for it
I know my way around throughout the planet of Tyria. (sort of o.o)
This user doesn't like titles and plays just for the fun of it
This user is long winded in his replies and often rambles on beyond control so watch out...