Calliope of Coy
- Paragon - Level 20
- Born - Tyria
- Age - 24
- Height - 6'
- Weight - 150lbs
- Trained - Elona
- Titles
- Armor Sets
- Equipment
- Favorite Build
More Info:
- Callope is named after the greek muse, Kαλλιοπη who is known to be the "beautiful voiced" spouse of Ares the "god of war". Very little is known about Calliope except that she is a very close friend to Elric and that during the searing she was seperated from her family and adopted by Elric when he found her crossing the Shiverpeaks to Kryta for safety.
- When she came of fighting age Elric was traveling through Nightfall. She saw the paragons in battle... buffing, healing, and defending their troops with little more than a spear, a shield, and the sounds of their voices. She knew immediately what her calling was and begged Elric to introduce her to the closest Sunspear Captain so she could start her training.
Useless Facts
- Like to go treasure hunting in Nightfall? Check to see when Calliope went last and look me up in game.
- Treasure
- If Calliope were playing WoW or one of those other games where the level seems to go on forever she would be level 52 and currently has over 60 skillpoints left to spend.
- Created April 2008
- Currently mothballed in favor of advancing Elric, Dyvim, and Aviendha. Acting as temporary storage mule.