Lexine Fae
When Zoe refused to pick up her sword to protect the family, Lexine picked up her axe and stood in the frontline. Along with Marla, the pair oversee the Fae clan.
- Warrior
- 20
- Bay of Sirens, Tyria
- 8.9 million
- Too many, yet not enough. Highlights include:
- Chaos Axe, liberated from a skellie in FoW
- Greater Summit Axe
- Dwarven Axe
- Tormented Shield
- Destroyer Weapons
- Mursaat Hammer
- Vera <3
- Spikey War Hammers aplenty (Oh, I love them so)
- Not enough.
- Obsidian
- Vabbian (a gift from the alliance <3)
- Elite Platemail
- Elite Gladiators
- Ancient
- Destroyer Gloves
- Chaos Gloves
- Bandana
- Blindfold (which clips like woah)
- Woad (Because Woads are awesome)
- A level 20 Jahai Rat called Shreader. His Namesake was slaughtered many times by Lexi in the name of quick cash
Miniature Ooze
Miniature Destroyer of Flesh
- My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahogany
- Legendary Spearmarshal
- Holy Lightbringer
- Max EotN Rep Titles
- Legendary Guardian
- Legendary Vanquisher
- Legendary Master of the Norn
- Legendary Cartographer
- Cleared FoW
- Kept countless Luxons in Shock/KD Lock
- Kicked a lot of booty
- Finish off DoA on Lexine
- Maybe get to GWAMM on her after Wintersday.
- Get better at the class
- Lexine was my second proper Warrior, made after a guildie kept calling my old one a behemoth (She was rather tall).
- Lexine means "Protector" and she's just that, the family's protector both in and out of battle.
- Lexine was a failed survivor attempt. She bit at 800k-ish XP to a single vermin when I lagged out. Woe.