General Information
- Handle: Gaius Decimus (main)
- Location: Ohio
- Realm: America
- Age: Mid-20's
- Gender: Male
I preordered Guild Wars Prophecies in February of 2005, and participated in the monthly beta weekends. I continued playing through about September, and ended up taking about a 6 month break after most of the friends I started with had quit. When I came back, I disbanded the tiny guild we had started, and set off in search of a bigger (and better) guild. After trying several different ones, I read the Guild of the Week page for December of 2006, which featured Droknars Arena Dogs. I applied to join, they accepted, and eventually I became an officer. Some of my best experiences in Guild Wars have taken place during my time with [DAD], and I've made many great friends and players.
I'm back with DAD, happy to see some familiar faces, and enjoying the War in Kryta. Anyway, thanks for looking!
This user has spent 3024 hours in Guild Wars in 48 months (2.1 h/day).
This navigation page and the profile pages it links to were inspired by Lensor's pages. Thanks to her for some great templates!