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* Complete with GWGuru guide
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Based on SCAR guide

Team Setup[edit]

See more on this page.

Area Guide[edit]

City of Torc'qua[edit]

Difficulty – Easy

  • Monk Bonder
Place EoE before spiking down any group. Bond the casters/Protective Spirit Cryers. Drops bonds on the casters and have bonds on sliver tank before doors open and stay in range of bonds on tank. Have bonds on recall tank before taking and popping Jadoth’s groups. Cast Protective Spirit on the casters incase they take damage. Bonds can be dropped on sliver (but need to be recasted for Veil). Stay in range of the recall’s bonds and place EoE up before spiking group down.
(2) Bond all Cryers. Drop bonds on casters before door opens and put all 3 bonds on the Sliver tank. Once the group inside City is done, leave Life Barrier on the Sliver incase something goes wrong with Jadoth. The recall only needs Life Barrier when pulling Jadoth (the other 2 are not needed unless the recall is not confident and need all 3 bonds). While the Recall balls Jadoth's group, bond all the cryers with Life Barrier and Prot Spirit the VoR. Then Prot Spirit the rest if energy is available. EoE should be up for every group in City (minus the group the recall pulls inside City).

Stygian Veil[edit]

Difficulty – Hard

  • Monk Bonder
Maintain bonds on both tanks for the duration of Veil. Most groups will be handed off to the Recall tank. When handing off groups, make sure Symbiosis and EoE are within range of the recall tank. When the sliver goes for the BIG pull stay in range of bonds, and as the sliver turns around and head back out of the trench, have Symbiosis and Eoe in range of the recall tank.
(2) All 3 Bonds all both tanks, Life Attunement for the UA monk. If your slow bonding up the tanks, bond just the Sliver tank and bond the Recall during the first 2 pulls. EoE and Sybiosis for the first 6 pulls. EoE for the Dervish underlord (sybio if there are alot of hungers). For the Ranger Underlord, have EoE and Sybio just as the Sliver pulls the Hungers back for the spike, then proceed to keep in range of the Recall tank as he balls the lord and his group. As the sliver goes down the trench to pull, keep in range of his bonds if he goes too far and have spirits up before he gets back up from the trench. If done correctly, the spirits placed earlier will bait the top hunger group so the sliver tank does not get bodyblocked coming back up the trench. For all the other groups and tendrils, keep in range of bonds on both tanks and have spirits up before each spike.
  • Monk HB Monk
Definitely the area where the HB has a difficult job. The HB should be aware of Hunger groups and be ready to Infuse Health, immediately followed by a Seed of Life, and a second Infuse if necessary. You need to be aware of when the tanks are pulling through each other and understand who will actually be the one holding the aggro in place. The HB is responsible for quickly resing anyone that dies. Should an ele cryer die soloing tendrils, the HB should run out and rez as soon as it is safe.
  • Elementalist/Mesmer Ele Cryers
Cryers want to be ready to cry as soon as groups are on the tank. Slow cries will result in the tank dying and aggro breaking. When soloing tendrils, my order of skills to solo are: Ether Nightmare, Lightbringer’s Gaze to interrupt the slash, followed immediately my arcane echo, Cry of Pain to interrupt again, Ether Nightmare, and the copied Cry of Pain, then run away as the tendril degens to death. Should the hex not last long enough to degen it to death, run back in, hex and determine if the tendril has enough health to take a LB Gaze or Cry of Pain. If it does not, just degen and make sure your out of range when it dies.

Ravenheart Gloom[edit]

Difficulty – Easy

  • Monk HB Monk
When the group leaves to go to the cave, you want to stay behind so the recall tank will be able to recall on you. Once the tank has recall, proceed to head to the capping location. Once at the cap location, remember that the recall tank will recall you again.
  • Monk Bonder
Once inside the cave, bond up the casters. Once the sliver tank has balled the group up, place EoE, prot spirit the caller, and proceed to run back to take The Rifts Between Us quest. Once everyone is together for The Deathbringer Company quest, rebond/bond the casters and give the VoR Life Attunement. For The Greater Darknesses, place EoE in range for the spike.
(2) Remember to take the quest at the beginning. Bond the 3 Cryers in the cave with you. EoE before the spike, Prot Spirit the VoR and head back to take the quest as soon as the group dies. Bond the other Cryer when they are done capping with Life Barrier. EoE up for the Darkness group.
  • Elementalist/Mesmer ER Cryers
When doing the split, the Cryer with the lower ranks will go with the HB to cap the shrine. The other cryer will go to the cave. When spiking the Darkness group, save your Arcane Echo for the second spawn. When the Darkness group spawns, spike quickly making sure all the Darknesses die before running to Foundry. Should the VoR get interrupted or run out of energy, it is up to the eles to hex the target.

Foundry of Failed Creations[edit]

Difficulty – Medium (Hard for Sliver tank)

  • Monk Bonder
Make sure you take the quest at the beginning. Bond all the casters with Life Barrier and the HB monk with Vital Blessing (Can also be done in Gloom before the Darkness). After finishing the 1st Room, put Symbiosis in the corner and move into the 2nd Room. Once in the corner, put Protective Spirit on the HB Monk and yourself. Should there be a bad spawn, watch your Protective Spirit and bonds. Should bonds be removed, quickly rebond. In the 3rd Room, place EoE up before spiking the Titan groups. In the 4th Room, check bonds, and run into the little “hole” and placing EoE up. In the 4th room, watch bonds and Protective Spirit when needed. Before killing the Black Beast, make sure all the casters are bonded, EoE is placed up, and try to keep the General as far away from the team (bonding the General is also safe). Once the Black Beast is killed, run back to Tekklis and take the quest rewards. Run back to the General and take the reward.
(2) Life Barrier on all Cryers throughout the duration of Foundry. I like to put Vital and Life Attune on the UA for the first 4 rooms and leave Vital on the UA once outside of the 4 rooms. No spirit first room, but put up Sybiosis in the corner before entering the 2nd room and Prot Spirit yourself and the UA monk. Rebond if necessary during this room because of Mirror of Disenchantment. For the 3rd room, check bonds and place EoE in range of the Recall's group, even better if EoE reaches the Sliver's group as well. For the 4th room, check bonds and run into the small space once the groups have spawned and place a EoE there. Should anyone die or lose bonds, rebonds as soon as possible. Before the Black Beast group, put Vital on the UA, Life Barrier on the cryers, and Life Barrier the Recall tank (helps if his enchants get affected by Touch of Arghhhh). EoE should be up before spiking the Black Beast. I also like to throw on a Life Barrier on the General incase something goes wrong. In total at this time, you should be maintaining 8 enchants.
  • Monk HB Monk
The recall tank will most likely target you for recall, please watch the range on the recall tank. Use Seed of Life after the Black Beast dies, the team will be taking churning earth and other damage from the titans that spawn after Black Beast’s death.
  • Elementalist/Mesmer ER Cryers
At the Black Beast if you get hit with AoE spells, do not panic and run. It is the HB’s job to keep you alive. With bonds, you should take minimal damage.