About me +
Here is where I put the obligatory bio data that no one really cares about:
I started playing GuildWars near the end of summer 2006 when a good friend of mine put a copy of Prophecies in my hands and said "You should play this game."
I tend to play late at night. You can usually find me online after 8pm pacific time.
Quick facts:
Main Character - Keely Shadhavar (Ranger)
I am an officer in We Use Pro Builds[PvX]
I play mostly PvE, but enjoy JQ & GvG on occasion
I play for fun. No drama, no fuss.
News/Random Stuff +
Here is where I shall put random updates/announcements or whatever I feel like. Until I figure out what to put here, enjoy the following random quote (wiki editing feels like this sometimes :D ):
"Let me back up a moment here and explain something. At the end of the day, every Internet protocol is just a sequence of text sent back and forth in a prescribed order. It's kind of like getting a truck and putting a car in it, then putting a motorcycle in the car's trunk, then attaching a bicycle to the back of the motorcycle, then hanging a pair of Rollerblades on the back of the bike. Except that then, if you want, you can attach the truck to the Rollerblades."
-M1k3y (Little Brother, Cory Doctorow, 2008)