Picture of your character goes here
- Character description
Armor Sets:
- Description of armor
- Description of weapon
Elite Skills
include heroes template page
Usage Notes:
| prof = a/d/e/mo/n/p/r/rt/w/me/x <!--X (not NA!) for PvP characters-->
| character = character name
| photo = [[Image:User Username Imagename.jpg]]
| pet? = (y/n)
| skill? = (y/n)
| pet = A level 1-20 hearty/dire/elder [[PET TYPE]] called "Petname"
| skill = Your character's favorite skill
| about = heading for about section
| bio = A quick Bio
| KoaBD = number of maxed titles
| survAtt = y or n for attempting survivor
| survExp = exp
| LDoAatt = y or n for attempting LDoA
| LDoAcurr = exp towards LDoA
| SS = Sunspear
| LB = Lightbringer
| norn = Norn Rank
| ebon = Vanguard Rank
| deld = Deldrimor Rank
| asura = Asura Rank
| MotN = Master of the North
| MotNLink = Optional, Use if you wish to track a character's progression on this title
<!--Cartographer, Legendary-->
| CartTyr = Tyria % w/o the "%"
| CartCan = Cantha
| CartElon = Elona
<!--|Legendary Guardian-->
| ProtTyr = Tyria Prot
| GuarTyr = Tyria Guard
| ProtCan = Cantha Prot
| GuarCan = Cantha Guard
| ProtElon = Elona Prot
| GuarElon = Elona Guard
<!--|Legendary Vanquisher-->
| VanqTyr = Tyria
| VanqCan = Cantha
| VanqElon = Elona
<!--|Legendary Skill Hunter-->
| SkillTyr = Tyria
| SkillCan = Cantha
| SkillElon = Elona
| Drunkard = Drunkard
| Party = Party Animal
| Sweets = Sweet Tooth
| armor = Description of armor, include link if wanted
| armory = Description of weapons, include links if wanted - add additional lines as needed
| elites = [[User:Username/Character/Elites|'''Elite Skills''']]
| minipets =
:*Minipet 1, example [[Kirin]]
:*Minipet 2 .. add more lines as needed
| heroes = {{User:Username/Character/Heroes}}
| templates =
{{skill bar|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}}
{{skill bar|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}}