- Profession: Necromancer
- Sex: Female
- Birthplace: Ascalon
- Experience: 10 million
- Faction: Luxon
- Armor: Vabbian, Norn, Primeval, Monument, Tinted Spectacles
- Armor: Destroyer Staff, 40/40 Death set, Asuran caster spear and -50 off-hand
- Pet: Mr. Fuzzykins the tiger; a rainbow phoenix
- Minipet:
- Necrid Horseman
- Elf
- Cloudtouched Simian
- Gwen, Razah, Livia, Anton, Acolyte Sousuke
- Actually made the entire Kurzick side resign just by screaming in all chat before AB started, "PREPARE YOURSELF, KURZICKS. TODAY YOU FACE A LEGION OF NYKKEHZ." This happened twice, giving the Luxons auto-wins both times.
- Managed to complete Prophecies and Factions with an AL of 30 and without knowing that the Maguuma Jungle existed.
- This is my first and main character.
- Her appearance and personality are persona-based.
- I was originally going to name her "Nykki von Dragomiroff", but the name exceeded the maximum amount of characters. I wouldn't have been able to keep the "von" all lower-case anyways.
- I'm planning on using this name for my main character in GW2. There, she will be a Winter Sylvari Warrior.