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I started playing Guild wars in June 2008 when I bought Prophecies campaign. Factions followed shortly after as a friend recommended them, after that I bought EotN and Nightfall came into my drive as the last one.

User Pajda Pajda.jpg
P A J D A a Pulnocni Kvitek
Undead Lich at the Temple of the Six Gods
Defeated Dhuum

A party of heroes moves along the shores of Elona river. Suddenly they see a great warrior in a shiny armor lying on the road, and it is no other than a great hero of Sunspears, Koss. The party gathers around him, finding out he is quite fine, but has a crippled leg and cannot stand. The party leader asks him what happened. Koss said one sentence that explained it all: "The blonde Norn bitch took my courage all away when she told me I move like a dwarf..."

How many warriors does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Two. One to screw in the lightbulb, and one to die trying to tank the light rays in his pre-searing armour.

A Ranger walks into a waystation one night to find the place totally deserted save for one Ritualist kneeling in a circle of candles. Intrigued, the Ranger knocks on the door frame...

Ritualist: "Shh!"
Ranger: "What're you doing?"
Ritualist: "Communing."
Ranger: "...Communing?"
Ritualist: "..."
Ranger: "Communing with what?"
Ritualist: "The spirit world."
Ranger: "The spirit world?"
Ritualist: "Yes, the spirit world. Now shut up and go away!"

Miffed, the Ranger leaves and camps outside for the night. The next night, after a day of training his Stalker, the Ranger walked back into the waystation, only to find that same Ritualist still kneeling on the floor. The candles had almost burned themselves out and more resembled miniature volcanoes than candles. Exapserated, the Ranger spoke up once more.

Ranger: "You're still communing?"
Ritualist: "Shhh!! Yes, I'm still communing. Go away!"
Ranger: "Just how long does it take to commune with dead people?"
Ritualist: "Longer than you think. Now git!"

The Ranger left in a huff and camped out again. The next night, after taking out his frustrations on several Grawls, the Ranger returned to the waystation and, once again, the Ritualist was kneeling on the floor.

Ranger: "Still communing, huh?"
Ritualist: "Yes..."
Ranger: "You know, if it takes three days to summon a spirit, you might want to look into a new line of work, man."
Ritualist: "I've summoned, discussed with, and banished a few dozen spirits already."
Ranger: "Then why are you still here?!"
Ritualist: "...because I can't see the exit..."

"Knock knock."
"Who's th-"

Why one never asks for money to an Asura? Because they're always short.

Why did the Inquisitor Lovisa killed herself? Because she's an E/Mo.