User:Serge Yseron/SelectedMemories 9

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Jade Quarry and, things that went well, and how they reacted[edit]

Jade quarry was for long an insane place where to go because of bots and leechers. Some time ago i did get the occasion to play there again and, to my surprise, there wasnt any more leecher or bot.

Not knowing how they were playing there i first jumped in with an ele, then a necro. I soon realized that the core of JQ play nowadays consist in necro bombers and ray of judjment monks (gw have never been about clever play, and their npcs often contradict the designers, for exemple, by telling players that it's better not to necro bombers).

So, always being attracted by leetzors, i sat down, watched them and gathered some infos on the skills they were using to see what this meta was all about. I came with this:

My first reaction was a stupid one. I applyed the rules of ww2, which opposed a war of movements to a war of trenches. It was good to snare enemy turtles and kill them before they reached their base while we were recovering captured shrines. It was good at slowing down necro bombers and other cap elements, so that we could kill them before they reached for our shrines. But it was too much focused on casters, not really disuasive against phys damages dealers (at JQ, it means rangers and assassins), and costly in term of energy.

User Serge Yseron JQ snares 1.jpg

User Serge Yseron JQ snares 2.jpg

Finally they figured it out and after they begun to pestering me (i somewhat camped JQ cause i needed some factions) they went with a team of assassins that hard pressured me, syncing their attack on me with the launch of their necro bombers. I adapted and came with this ( It's safer in term of energy management and need you to dedicate only 1 sec of your time to dispose of necro bombers ). At this point, it seems that the reward offered for my head was canceled cause i never heard of them again after 2 or 3 matches.

User Serge Yseron JQ rend enchantments.jpg

Finally, it went to a point that the necro bombers stoped completely to show up. From the reactions i heard it seems to be unusual. I continued to play with this, swaping to unatural signet when the rit they sent after me showed up, then finished the last day with this:

User Serge Yseron JQ domination 1.jpg User Serge Yseron JQ domination 2.jpg