User:Sugar Bunnii

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About Meh

Hullo Well... This is my User thingie Not really sure why people would be looking at this anyway but... if you are (which you obviously are) enjoy!

  • A Little about the real me: My name is Gemma and I'm 20 years old, I really hate being called Gemma, I prefer Gems/Gem. Most people in game call me Sugar or Bunnii. Not many of my friends in real life know what Guild Wars is and I don't really admit to playing it (Yes I'm kind of ashamed I feel kind of nerdy) I'm a student studying a degree in E-technology, and now your thinking.. "What the hell is E-technology?" Well I'm not really sure myself.. Basically a load of rubbish about computers, on the bright side I'm only in college 1 day and 4 hours a week so the rest of the time I'm on GW (even though I should be doing assessments)

  • A Little About me In GW: My Dad is the reason I'm playing Guild Wars, he used to play it when it first came out but then he started to play WoW, I introduced my fiancé to playing at roughly the same time as myself and we’ve never really stopped playing it since so I’ve been playing roughly two years. I have 3 accounts but one main account with 12 character slots in and all the different professions, but I only really play on my elementalist, my other two accounts are used for tourny reward points =) I have completed every campaign on my main char and been half way through some campaigns on other chars… but only to get their armor. I find missions very boring and I think when you’ve done the game once then to do it all over again on another char is very boring. Me and my fiancé own a guild called "We Could Be Heroes" (Japanese tag) which is part of the Ancient Order Alliance

  • What I do in Guild Wars: Well to be honest I’m getting quite bored of playing the game recently due to the fact that everything decent is getting nerfed and the game seems to be aimed at new players/lazy players... and farming seems to be buffed (which annoys me because i worked quite hard to get nice items and now every ranger and his pet rat has them) but still carry on because I can’t find anything else to do (lack of money), I’m a girl so I like getting new armor for all my chars and making them all look good (or what I think looks good anyway it probably doesn't)! I have 4 sets of chaos gloves on my account, and most all my chars have elite armor, if they don’t it’s only because I didn’t like the look of the elite! Most of my chars don’t have a full set of armor, I tend to mix and match a lot of it if it goes well together for example my ranger has obsidian top, elite studded skirt and obsidian boots! Recently I’ve decided I’ve got everything that I want to get in Guild Wars apart from stupidly expensive things like a panda which even if I had the money for none one would sell me one =( so I’ve now started on my titles on my main char!

  • Other Special Things...:

Well I obviously think that my 4 sets of chaos gloves are something quite special (And no I didn't farm any ectos on my sin for them, or buy my ectos online which is what most people think)I'd like to get more to be honest but now they've gone down in price I'm not sure I want to =(

I like all my armor... theres some chars that I think could be improved, like my Sin Rit and warrior, but I'll do that when I'm bored of maxing titles!

Most of my chars have fairly ok weapons though the one I love the most is my Req10 Voltaic Spear dyed black...or at least I did till everyone started farming I want to get rid of it and get something rare...

I've had some decent mini pets I had the water Djinn when they first came out but recently sold it! I now have the mini White Rabbit and the Black Beast, I love my bunny though! I also have a cave spider, and norn bear... I can't actually think of any more I have at the moment but theres quite a few,I'd love a Panda but asif!

At the moment I'm trying to max titles on my Ele, I'm at "I'm very important" and I'd like to get max... but unfortuantly I'm not willing to pay for any of my titles... like sweet tooth or party animal I dont see the point when by the time ive bought them GW2 will be out or have been out for about a year haha, so I'll only be able to go up to rank 5!!

My Chars

This is a picture of all my chars...The image is quite big but thats the last piccie for here, I also had to cut all my chars out... so they may look weird =P My ele has loads of different armor and combos which I seem to change each week, but I'm wearing this one at the moment a bit of a weird one =]

User Sugar Bunnii Gem Char.jpg