User:Sunrayvenus/GW:EN Skills
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Link to List of PvE-only skills[edit]
Link to Rit elite skills [1][edit]
Link to Skill Farmer Builds[edit]
Asuran Quests for PvE Must Have Skills[edit]
Obtain The Path to Revelations Quest from Kerrsh in Tarnished Haven[edit]
- Requirements: The Cipher of Kormir
- The Path to Revelations quest can be used to farm Norn reputation points refer to Norn Title Track.
- Complete all quest in the The Path to Revelations for
Air of Superiority.
Obtain the O Brave New World Quest from Blorf in Vlox's Falls[edit]
- Requirements: The Elusive Golemancer
Then there is Polymock - someday I'll look into it.[edit]
Dwarf Quest Skills[edit]
Obtain Attack on Jalis's Camp from Orozar Highstone in Battledepths[edit]
- Requirements: Northern Allies
Ebon Vanguard Quest[edit]
Obtain Forbidden Fruit quest from Captain Langmar in Grothmar Wardowns outside Longeye's Ledge[edit]
- Requirements: Assault on the Stronghold -> Be Very, Very Quiet...-> Plan A
- AoE Snare Skill -
Tryptophan Signet
- AoE Snare Skill -
Obtain Service: Practice, Dummy quest from Artificer Mullenixin Eye of the North[edit]
- Requirements: Look into the Scrying Pool in the Hall of Monuments-> Mano a Norn-o
Norn Quest[edit]
Obtain Worthy Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap) from Sif Shadowhunter in Sifhalla[edit]
- Requirements: Tracking the Nornbear