User:The Sins We Die By/My Building Area/Ice Spike
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- Elementalist Builds
3 X E/N (Water Magic 12+1+1, Fire Magic 4, Energy Storage 11+1, Curses 6)
Steam -
5 1
- 96 while burning, 67 otherwise
15 2
- use with Steam 2 seconds of burning
5 1
- use for Vapor Blade and general use
3 X E/X (Water Magic 12+1+1, Air Magic 7, Energy Storage 11+1)
Steam -
5 1
- 96 while burning, 67 otherwise
Blank ==>
Empathic Removal or
Expel Hexes
1 RC Monk 1 WoH Monk
- Shell Shock Spam on 3 Targets ==> Glyph of Concentration + Vapor Blade
- Shell Shock Spam on 3 Targets ==> Glyph of Immolation + Steam