User:Titani Ertan/GWSlangtionary
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This guide helps new people to the game/internet know the popular slang terms and short cuts. Examples are shown in italic.
- Skill Names:
- RoJ - Ray of Judgement I like JQ! OMG ROJ *explodes*
- PS - Palm Strike Tralala *skipping happily in the fields* OMG PS *knock lock and a bunch of conditions that don't make sense*
- SoJ - Signet of Judgement lol, he's using SoJ. n00b assassin
- AotL - Aura of the Lich I like my new AotL build!
- Mel's Shot - Melandru's Shot *an argument between people on wiki* Rangers are good! No, rangers lack flexibility now, as probably one of the only viable elites in PvP is Mel's shot
- Bsurge - Blinding Surge DIE MONK!!! OMG PERMA BLIND!!! !@#$%^ BSURGE!!!"
- SF - Shadow Form/Searing Flames. I'm running perma SF, with 5 eles OMG DECISIVE VICTORY"
- IMO - In My Opinion. Use it so people will know that it's not your friends opinion or your doctor's opinion, it's yours. Also use it to weaken your argument. IMO, IMO Cream Substitute is tasty.
- IMHO - In My Honest/Holy/Halfassed Opinion IMHO, I'm horny
- kthxbai - If you use it, please die. your a n00b learn to play kthxbai
- lol - Laughing Out Loud. If you didn't know what it meant, /uninstall kthxbai. lol
- Lmao - Laughing My Ass Out. See above. Palm Strike is balanced! LMAO
- Roflmao - Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Out. Palm Strike is balanced and don't laugh at me!! ROFLMAO FUNNIER 2nd TIME
- OMG/omg - Oh My Google. OMG A MONKEY
- HTWSFTIFFTCACMHOTF - Haha That Was So Funny That I Fell From The Chair And Cracked My Head On The Floor. LOL LOL LOOOOL *odd noises in vent* ambulance..."
- F You - Fall silent, or return the compliment. F u n00b! Thanks, you too <3
- n00b - A nickname which people who can't play say when they die from their stupidity. I'm a n00b! thanks, you too!
- ass - don't say it in all chat. You will get banned. your an ass *Code 047*
- Horny - a state where a person buys Scar Pattern Armor just to stare or uses Texmod for odd nudity, and he doesn't understand that Livia is made out of pixels. Besides, she showed me her scars already. Whenever I see Livia, I get horny
- z - the letter which people find funny, and add it to beginnings/ending of random words. Examples: lolz, zomg, roflmaoz, lmaoz, zlol, zXD zlol, z
- Balance - A hypothetical term, in which skills in GuildWars would be balanced and on par with all other skills. Used when you want to: make a point/flame A.Net/rant/make ice cream. tis game is balanced!!!111 LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!
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