User:Vel/Character Tables

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Character Name
Picture of your character goes here‎
Description of the character. Long or short. Famous quote, family history, playstyle, whatever
Level 1-20, Nationality
Gender: Gender
Height: Height
Experience: Experience
Most accompanying Heroes:
Favorite Builds:

build 1 build 2 build 3


This is taken and adapted from Fenix's Character table. Thank you Fenix!
{{User:Vel/Character Tables
| name=Your Character's Name
| photo=[[Image:User Username Imagename.jpg]]
| text= Description text. Stuff written here (ie with no linebreak) will turn out bold italics.
| level=1-20
| nationality=[[Tyria (continent)|Tyrian]]/[[Cantha|Canthan]]/[[Elona|Elonian]]
| gender=
| height=
| created=Created on "creation date" 
:‎*1st Year [[Image:Birthday_Present.png|15px]]=[[MINIPET NAME]]
:*2nd Year [[Image:Birthday_Present.png|15px]]=[[MINIPET NAME]]
| experience=
| armor=Description of armor, include link if wanted, example [[Ranger Druid armor|1.5k Druid]]
| profession=PROFESSION <!--NA (not X!) for PvP characters-->
| secondaryname=SECONDARY <!--NA (not X!) for PvP characters-->
| professionlink= [[PROFESSION]] <!--NA or X for PvP characters-->
| secondary=[[SECONDARY PROFESSION]]<!--NA or X for PvP characters-->
| pet=A level 1-20 hearty/dire/elder [[PET TYPE]] called "Petname".  
| heroes=[[Image:Koss-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Melonni-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Dunkoro-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Tahlkora-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:AcolyteJin-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:AcolyteSousuke-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:MasterOfWhispers-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:MargridTheSly-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:ZhedShadowhoof-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Goren-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Norgu-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:GeneralMorgahn-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Razah-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Olias-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Zenmai-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Gwen-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Vekk-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Jora-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:Xandra-icon.jpg|35px]][[Image:OgdenStonehealer-icon.jpg|35px]]
| heroes to get= The lacking heroes, just cut and paste the images from above.
| titles=
:*Title 1, example [[Cartographer|Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer]]
:*Title 2 
:*Title 3 .. add more lines as needed
| Accomplishments=
:*Accomplishment 1
:*Accomplishment 2
:*Accomplishment 3 .. add more lines as needed
| goals=
:*Goal 1
:*Goal 2
:*Goal 3 .. add more lines as needed
| skillbar= {{skill bar|size=35|border=none|indent=center}}
| lower= Anything you want showing in the lower cell.
| footer= Anything you want showing in the footer cell.