User talk:Pride

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Ignore that, posted on the wrong page. Pride User:Pride 01:14, 6 April 2008 (UTC)

My Election[edit]

Well, as DE said playing the game really has nothing to do with being a bcrat. Oh, and I suppose the support this and that was from the Guild Wars Wiki talk:No open proxies, I explained my actions there if you would like to read that. Thanks for the feedback! --Shadowphoenix User-Shadowphoenix Shadow Phoenix Signet.jpg 04:53, 6 April 2008 (UTC)

I really don't see where you explained your reasons for that just your saying you had no reason to and then other users pointing out how it seems you were doing it just for attention. If I failed to see where you contributed by just saying that you supported that issue several times and then making a special section to say it again, please point it out to me because to me it seems you are not actually contributing anything of worth to the wiki if you are not offering up suggestions on how to better it or deal with issues. Pride User:Pride 05:02, 6 April 2008 (UTC)
Well I am a community expert so I dabble more with that than most (which is what being a bcrat is kinda). If you want some stuff where I made changes to help better the wiki (or wikis in some cases) here are a few: User:Shadowphoenix/Vandal, User:Shadowphoenix/NPA, GWW:BDAY, [1], User talk:, [2], User talk:, [3]. You can also look in my contributions, in the GWW space and the Main space for many more.

Oh, and, fyi. I LUV GW and I do not think I will ever quit, ask some of my friends in game I am very active (except lately I have been on at odd hours bcause of work :P, but im still on). Plus I own all the games except GW:EN. Even though that is not really relevant to my election still thought I should state it. Thanks for you concern! --Shadowphoenix User-Shadowphoenix Shadow Phoenix Signet.jpg 05:46, 6 April 2008 (UTC)