User talk:Raine Valen/Mass Balance/Warrior/Skills/Strength

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General Discussion.[edit]

Signet of Strength Signet of Strength[edit]

Planeshift's Proposal[edit]

Just a thought. Maybe too much buffed, maybe not. Discuss :D Planeshift 20:13, 6 June 2009 (UTC)

It's viable now, at least. The thing is, it suffers from The Dervish Problem: a warrior has to stop hitting stuff for a second to use it, just like dervs with enchantments. That's a huge balancing factor, tbh. User Raine R.gif Raine - talk 17:48, 20 July 2009 (UTC)
Change "miss" to "fail to hit with". I'm pretty sure "miss" excludes blocking. -- 12:25, 13 October 2009 (UTC)

Rage of the Ntouka Rage of the Ntouka[edit]

Raine's Proposal[edit]

Dchop Dchop Dchop Dchop Dchop Dchop Dchop. -- 12:25, 13 October 2009 (UTC)

5 energy means it can be used on average once every 8 seconds. Dchop every 8 seconds isn't so bad, and it'd still be a pretty slow int (slower than Agonizing). User Raine R.gif is for Raine, etc. 12:49, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
Sit on Zealous, and I'm not sure about the math but I'm pretty sure the -25%/+60% would work out faster than a regular swing timer. -- 14:00, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm not sure how GW calculates swing speed modifiers. If it's arithmetic, then it'd just end up being a 35% IAS for attack skills (duh). If it's geometrical, then it'd end up being a 50% IAS (you attack twice as fast), which would make dchop relatively fast (faster than agonizing, slower than dblow). Agnoizing Chop, however, would be as fast as a mesmer int. User Raine R.gif is for Raine, etc. 14:18, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
And a .445 second Dchop that you can use maybe twice every twelve seconds would be fucking OP. :> -- 12:30, 16 October 2009 (UTC)
Well, without having an actual stated activation, it wouldn't bypass the secondary attack delay like dstrike or agonizing, so you'd still have to rely on prediction to a good degree. Also, I'm not sure where you got 0.445; it'd actually be 0.665 (assuming 50% IAS), which is still fast, but not lolmesmerskills. RotN + dchop would still be strong, though. User Raine R.gif is for Raine, etc. 14:02, 19 October 2009 (UTC)