User talk:Xeeron/suggestions/Legendary Get Up?
Harsh toke dude Colonel Hawk 15:55, 4 January 2009 (UTC)
- Things change over time. I'm afraid that you will have to deal with it. All titles become easier over time. Mith
Talk 19:47, 8 January 2009 (UTC)
yeah, you're right... at least I know I did it the hard way. that's all that counts, right? =) Marketstoner 01:49, 9 January 2009 (UTC)
I fully agree with this suggestion, but there would be too many crying babies. Gelei 17:06, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
"Only the people who don't have the skills to earn this title would gripe about it"[edit]
LoL. What skills? You can solo-farm your way to legendary survivor(trapping UW is pretty much 100% safe), or make all the henchmen run ahead of you and do the work for you.--Ohnoes 15:55, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
your timing still has to be sound to solo anything... one mistake, and there goes survivor. Trapping UW still requires that you are able to get there, get ascended, then again keeping your timing sound. Brawl makes this title way too easy to get. I know I said this already, but if you don't have a chance to die, you aren't really surviving anything. As for sending in "the clowns", sure, you make a valid point. However, the AI still has the option to see you as the soft target and paste you to the floor. I earned mine by sending in the rest of the party to take the initial damage spike, then relied on my ability to stay out of AoE to get the title. they should just add a "give me the Survivor title" button to brawl and get it overwith... lol