Vermin Hide

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Vermin Hide
Vermin Hide.png
Rarity Common
Type Trophy
Value 20 Gold
Stackable Yes
Campaign Factions
Collector(s) Yu Lae
Bae Kwon
Common salvage 4-5 Scales
Vermin Hide.jpg

Vermin Hides are the skinned hides of Vermin, held as trophies.


Drop and salvage research is ongoing, and can be found here.


Xaquang Skyway[edit]

Vermin Hide Farming (Xaquang Skyway).jpg

Start from Senji's Corner and go west bordering the map, to kill Vermin which patrol in groups of 3-4. Cross the bridge and cornerblock the several groups with Shreader Sharptongue inside the dark area, then proceed towards the portal to Wajjun Bazaar where you will find another 3 groups (zone in and back to respawn foes). A single Signet of Spirits spammer player can handle them alone, or any 3-man team (e.g.: martial attacker, minion master, and healer).


Yu Lae[edit]

Location: Xaquang Skyway
Collecting: 5 Vermin Hides

Item Stats Requirement Weapon bonuses Value
Bone Idol Energy +12 9 Curses Curses +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
125 Gold
Air Staff Energy +10
Lightning damage: 11-22
9 Air Magic Halves casting time of Air Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
125 Gold
Holy Rod Fire damage: 11-22 9 Divine Favor Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +5 (while health is below 50%)
125 Gold
Melon Hammer Blunt damage: 19-35 9 Hammer Mastery Damage +20% (while health is below 50%) 125 Gold
Longbow Piercing damage: 15-28 9 Marksmanship Damage +15% (while in a stance) 125 Gold
Ceremonial Cauldron Energy +12 9 Spawning Power Halves casting time of Spawning Power spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power (Chance: 20%)
125 Gold

Bae Kwon[edit]

Location: Wajjun Bazaar, northeastern area near exit into Xaquang Skyway
Collecting: 3 Vermin Hides

Item Stats Value
Bag Holds 5 items 50 Gold
Identification Kit Uses remaining: 25 50 Gold
Salvage Kit Uses remaining: 25 50 Gold

Nicholas the Traveler[edit]

Location: Xaquang Skyway (week of next appearance: 15 February 2027)
Collecting: 3 Vermin Hides

Item Value
Gift of the Traveler 0Gold


  • The collector Yu Lae trades 5 Vermin Hides for items that sell for 125 Gold to a merchant. This provides a return that is 25% more than just selling the trophies by themselves.
  • The collector Bae Kwon trades 3 Vermin Hides for items that are sold by a merchant for 100 Gold. This provides a return that is 67% more than just selling the trophies by themselves.