Item rarity

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Disambig icon.png This article is about items. "White" "blue" and "purple" redirect here. For color dyes, see Dye.

Item rarity is a characteristic of an item that suggests its value, potential power, and drop-rate frequency; the rarer an item is, the more valuable and powerful it's likely to be. Uncommon item rarity borders can be toggled on via an option in the General settings. This will color the item's border match to the rarity of the item. This does not affect white or blue items.

Rarity levels[edit]

The four primary levels of rarity are:

  • White: common items without any upgrades or modifiers.
  • Blue: magical items with low-range modifications.
  • Purple: uncommon items with mid-range upgrades.
  • Gold: rare items with maximum or near-max improvements.
Special rewards

There are also two other colors that do not belong on this spectrum:

  • Green: unique items; with very few exceptions, these have perfect stats and modifiers and they drop from dungeon chests, bosses, or as a special reward.
  • Red: PvP rewards; these are unlocked through PvP gaming. Once crafted, they are automatically customized and their modifications are fixed.



  • Gives no bonuses other than additional Energy.


Red or PvP


White or Common

  • Common miniatures are white.

Purple or Uncommon

  • Uncommon miniatures are purple.
  • In some cases, promotional miniatures are also purple.

Gold or Rare

  • Rare miniatures are gold.
  • In some cases, promotional miniatures are also gold.
  • In some cases, common miniatures such as the Pig are also gold.

Green or Unique

  • Generally, the rarest miniatures in the game are green.

Salvage items[edit]

White or Common

  • Only contains crafting materials.
  • Salvaging all upgrade components from a blue, purple, or gold salvage item will sometimes turn the salvage item white.

Blue or Magical

  • Contains (or originally contained) a minor Rune and/or an Insignia.

Purple or Uncommon

  • Contains (or originally contained) a major Rune and/or an Insignia.
  • Bloodstained Insignia have only been observed in purple and gold salvage items.

Gold or Rare

Weapons and offhand items[edit]

White or Common

  • No bonuses or inscription slots.
  • If a white item has an upgrade component applied to it, the item will become blue.
  • A blue, purple or gold item with all bonuses salvaged from it will generally retain its original color instead of becoming white.

Blue or Magical

  • Initially has at least one bonus.
  • On items obtained as loot, all variable bonuses have values within the lower half of the variable's range.
  • Most crafted weapons and collector's items, as well as all PvP equipment and bonus items are blue, unless they have no bonuses or inscription slots. Unlike blue items obtained as loot, these items can, and often do, have bonuses with the highest possible variable.

Purple or Uncommon

  • Initially has at least one bonus.
  • Values for variable bonuses are within the second highest quarter of their range, rounded up, which means that bonuses with narrow ranges can be found on purple items.

Gold or Rare

Green or Unique

Red or PvP


White (Common)
Blue (Magical)
Purple (Uncommon)
Gold (Rare)
Green (Unique)


  • Item rarity does not, by itself, determine an item's merchant or trade value. For example, NPCs might pay more for a purple item than a gold with similar stats. Similarly, a purple item with a rare skin might be worth more in trade than an unpopular gold.